21 setembro 2019

On May 26, 1920, the French government introduced the Medaille d’honneur de la famille francaise, a...

On May 26, 1920, the French government introduced the Medaille d’honneur de la famille francaise, a medal issued to women who single-handedly and successfully raised at least four children alone. The award was created to recognize women whose children were left fatherless after their spouses died in World War I.

Widowers only became eligible for the award in 1983. One of the first men to receive the award was the Catholic priest Pere Mayotte. Though he could not really be considered a widower. Mayotte adopted and raised six children after the death of their mother, a widow who was his housekeeper.

Perhaps the most surprising fact about La Medaille de la Famille (its modern name) is that France still gives it out!

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