19 junho 2019

Monkey on the Menu

A study has found that the first known Homo sapiens in Sri Lanka were eating fast-moving, tree-dwelling monkeys and squirrels. The remains of primates and other small animals with cut marks and signs of charring were found alongside stone tools and monkey bone and monkey teeth tools in the Last Pleistocene layers at the Fa-Hien Lena Cave (the earliest known Homo sapiens site in Sri Lanka). In other words, the remains of their meals made it very clear that these prehistoric humans were eating tree-dwelling monkeys and squirrels, at least as early as 45,000 years ago.

What is so exciting about that? Well, the discovery is the oldest record of primate hunting by foragers, not just in Sri Lanka, but anywhere. Homo sapiens apparently adapted very quickly to the new, challenging environment of the tropical rainforest, even though it was very different from their previous home in the open savanna. Homo sapiens were survivors, and they quickly found new protein sources and learned how to catch them.

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