23 dezembro 2018

Recent Historical Analyses Reveal More About Blackbeard's Early Life

Some tidbits that interested me:

  1. Blackbeard was born Edward Thache, son of a moneyed Englishman who brought his family to the Caribbean when Edward was 4 or 5 years old, to become a plantation owner. They owned slaves.
  2. Edward’s mother Elizabeth died in 1699, and sometime around then, Edward had a daughter he named Elizabeth.
  3. By 1699, Edward Thache was working on merchant ships, and in April 1706, he joined the British navy.
  4. In late 1706, his father passed away. Edward signed over his inherited estates to his stepmother, choosing life at sea over life as a planter
  5. Thache almost certainly fought in Queen Anne’s War (1701 - 1714) and probably enjoyed the fighting, because when the war was over, he turned pirate

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