08 novembro 2020

On this day in psychology (November 8th, 1884)

Hermann Rorschach was born. Rorschach is renowned for developing the famous projective test in which respondents are presented with 10 ambiguous inkblots and asked to describe what they see in each. Despite persistent criticism concerning its scoring reliability and validity, the Rorschach inkblot test established itself as one of the most popular and commonly used personality assessment tools in the world.

Psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach began experimenting with inkblots with some of his schizophrenic patients in 1918 and published his findings on their utility as a diagnostic tool in 1921. Rorschach cautioned that his findings were preliminary, was skeptical about the test being used as a measure of personality and stressed the importance of the need for much greater experimentation. Sadly, Rorschach was unable to build upon his initial findings much further as he died in 1922 at the age of just 37.

Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/psychology-tests.html to learn all about psychological testing.

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