13 agosto 2017

What’s In A Will?

When King Henry VIII of England died, his will specified that a governing council of “executors” would rule while his son Edward VI, then just nine, grew to adulthood.  On the council were some lawyers and judges, some military men, some bureaucrats, a couple politicians, and a couple courtiers, notably Edward Seymour, the brother of the Edward VI’s mother, and his eldest surviving male relative once Henry VIII died. The sixteen men named to the council were supposed to rule the country as “equals.” The will directed that all business be decided by majority vote.

Six days after Henry VIII’s death, the council named Edward Seymour “Lord Protector of the Realm, Governor of the King’s Person, and Duke of Somerset.” Basically, they made him the sole ruler and sole regent. So much for old King Henry VIII’s will!

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