08 dezembro 2020

"When someone says that Auschwitz is a lie, that it is a hoax, I feel hesitation to say much to him...."

“When someone says that Auschwitz is a lie, that it is a hoax, I feel hesitation to say much to him. I say, the facts are so firmly determined, that one cannot have any doubt at all, and I stop talking to that person because there is no use. One knows that anyone who clings to such things, which are published somewhere, is a malevolent person who has some personal interest to want to bury in silence things that cannot be buried in silence.”


Dr. Hans Münch, Auschwitz doctor who refused to participate in selections for the gas chambers and staged fake experiments to protect prisoners. He was the only Auschwitz staff member acquitted of crimes against humanity in the Polish Auschwitz trials.

This quote is from an interview of Dr. Münch by the German filmmaker Bernhard Frankfurter.

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