The first six Moghul Emperors of India ruled in an unbroken succession from father to son for nearly 200 years, from 1526 to 1707. Which sounds impressive. But wait – this was not father to eldest son. There was no tradition of primogeniture, where the eldest son automatically inherits the crown.
17 agosto 2017
Earliest Known Winery Found in Armenian Cave
In the same Armenian cave where the oldest known leather shoe was found, barefoot winemakers were likely stomping grapes 6,000 years ago.
Amazingly, archaeologists found evidence for each step from grape to wine. There were withered vines, pressed grapes, a clay vat possibly used for fermentation, and clay-soaked pottery shards. They even found a cup for drinking the finished product!
Jupiter: A New Point of View
Oração de São Gabriel Arcanjo para Abrir caminhos
São Gabriel, Santo Arcanjo, vós, que sois conhecido como o portador dos segredos de Deus, destinado especialmente aos seus escolhidos, nós, filhos de Deus, estamos constantemente vigiando a mensagem de Deus. Que, através de sua poderosa intercessão, possamos receber as palavras de Deus e mensagens para que, juntamente com Maria, nossa Mãe, possamos dar glória e louvor ao Senhor.
Que nós também possamos irradiar o amor de Deus para os outros por nossos atos exemplares. Ó, São Gabriel, dê-nos a graça de nos representar perante a Deus Pai os seguintes pedidos (faça seu pedido – se preferir nos comentários abaixo) por meio de Jesus Cristo, nosso Senhor, juntamente com o Espírito Santo para todo o sempre.
A Oração da benção dos pais para seus filhos
“Meu filho, eu te abençoo
Meu filho, tu és filho de Deus.
Tu és capaz, tu és forte, tu és inteligente,
tu és bondoso, tu consegues tudo,
pois a vida de Deus está dentro de ti.
Meu filho,
eu te vejo com os olhos de Deus,
eu te amo com o amor de Deus,
eu te abençoo com a benção de Deus.
Obrigado, obrigado, obrigado,
Obrigado, filho,
tu és a luz da nossa vida,
tu és a alegria do nosso lar,
tu és uma grande dádiva
que recebemos de Deus.
Tu terás um futuro brilhante!
Pois nasceste abençoado por Deus
e estás crescendo abençoado por nós.
Obrigado, filho,
Obrigado, obrigado, obrigado.”
With One Touch, This Chip Can Heal Organs
Researchers have developed a tiny chip that, when applied to an affected area, can regenerate and repair failing body functions by turning skin cells into other types of healing cells.
The technology could mean a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, as doctors could grow brain cells on a person’s own skin, harvest the cells and inject them into the brain using the chip.
It sounds like science fiction, but Dr. Chandan Sen, director of Ohio State’s Center for Regenerative Medicine & Cell Based Therapies says that the technology implies a huge realm of possibilities. “By using our novel nanochip technology, injured or compromised organs can be replaced,” Sen said in a press release. “We have shown that skin is a fertile land where we can grow the elements of any organ that is declining.”
The process, called Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT), uses a chip loaded with specific genetic code or certain proteins; a cargo that’s been designed for cell conversion. The chip is placed on the affected area and a small electrical current is applied, creating channels in the patient’s tissue. This allows DNA or RNA to be injected into those channels, where they take root and reprogram the affected cells to begin the healing process.
Submitted by @neena213.