ON THIS DAY IN THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY (20th February 1866) Edwin Diller Starbuck was born.GO HERE —> http://ift.tt/1eWNk1f For Free Psychology...
19 fevereiro 2015
Palomar 12
“Above all, I have been a sentient being, a thinking animal, on this beautiful planet, and that in itself has been an enormous privilege and adventure.”
In 1942, what did the British Government do to boost troop morale? Hint: it’s the most British...
Part of a Torah manuscript, from 30 - 1 BCE. It contains two...
Epigenomics of Alzheimer’s disease progression Our...
February 19th 1913: Pedro Lascuráin’s presidencyOn this day in...
unicef: 2.1 million adolescents worldwide are living with HIV -...
I have anorexia. Smoking marijuana was a major component in the success of my recovery and my ability to gain 45 pounds to once again be at a healthy weight. I had self-starved for a couple years to the point that I no longer felt appetite or cravings at all, and marijuana, over time, re-instilled both those things. Now I don't need the aid of marijuana to be able to eat a proper portion or to feel hunger. (: So, interesting article. I hope others like me could get designated help from this.
Magnetospheric Multiscale Observatories Processed for Launch
Happy Birthday Nicolaus Copernicus. Born on this day...
Russia Suffered The Highest Losses During WWI
From January 1 to February 13, 2015, 141 people from 17 states...
GO HERE —> http://ift.tt/1AKuzyV...
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