26 setembro 2017

Fim do mundo foi adiado para outubro

O homem que está por trás da profecia do fim do mundo empurrou o apocalipse para as próximas semanas.

Como era de esperar, o mundo não terminou em 23 de setembro, data que havia sido amplamente divulgada tanto em tablóides como nas mídias sociais como o dia em que o planeta inexistente Nibiru iria colidir com a Terra.

Agora, David Meade, o numerologista cristão, afirma que um raro alinhamento celestial e suas conexões com a Bíblia, atrasou a data do “juízo final” em algum momento em outubro, quando “o mundo como [nós] conhecempos que vai acabar”.

“É possível, no final de outubro, estarmoos prestes a entrar no período de Tribulação de sete anos, para ser seguido por um Milênio da paz”, escreveu ele.

“Quando Nibiru estiver próximo da Terra em algum momento durante a Tribulação, você terá flamas solares e uma possível perda da rede elétrica por semanas, talvez mais.”

Como sempre, porém, dado que não há evidência de que Nibiru realmente existe, as chances de qualquer tipo de cenário apocalíptico são praticamente zero.

A NASA, em particular, tem desejado descartar a coisa toda como bobagem.

“Várias pessoas estão pregando que o mundo acabará [no futuro próximo] quando outro planeta colidir com a Terra”, escreveu a agência espacial.

“O planeta em questão, Nibiru, não existe, então não haverá colisão. A história de Nibiru existe há anos (como os” dias da escuridão”.

“Nibiru e outras histórias sobre planetas rebeldes são um engano na internet. Não existe qualquer base para essas afirmações. Se Nibiru ou Planeta X eram reais e se dirigiram para um encontro com a Terra, os astrônomos teriam acompanhado isso pelo menos na última década, e agora seria visível a olho nu. Obviamente, isso não existe”.

Em outras palavras – pare de se preocupar, não há Nibiru e o nosso mundo não está chegando ao fim.

Pelo menos é o que estão dizendo para nós.

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The Classic Maya political landscape was divided into more than...

The Classic Maya political landscape was divided into more than two dozen polities, similar to city-states, with a major city and nearby allied villages and towns. Feasts sponsored by the ruling elite was a crucial avenue for securing relations among allies and negotiating new alliances. Feasts marked major state occasions, from rulers’ accession rites to royal weddings to war victory celebrations to special religious observances. Eating large amounts of high-status foods, including drinks made from highly valued cacao (chocolate), was the main point of the feasts. The richness of the food, the quantity of the food – and the beautiful vessels the food was served with – showed off how wealthy the host was.

The banquets caused the production of elaborate, finely-made vessels. Sometimes the vessels’ shapes were the attraction, sometimes the decorative images etched onto it. This vase is decorated with cacao pods, and the lid’s knob is a cacao tree with a bird (sadly now broken). There are also pictorial panels with images of, among other things, the maize god as an embodied cacao tree.  Is anyone else sensing a theme here? The vase’s hieroglyphic text confirms that it was intended as a drinking cup for chocolate: -kakaw yuk'ib, or “the cacao drinking cup of … ” The text goes on to name the cup’s patron/owner, and his father Chakjal Mukuuy, “Reddening Dove.”  The artistic quality of the vessel and its detailed naming of its owner indicate the two men were members of the nobility if not a royal dynasty of the 300s to 400s CE.

courtesy of the Walters Art Museum

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Transmissão estranha interrompe programação de TV na Califórnia

As pessoas do Condado de Orange, Califórnia, tiveram uma experiência bastante estranha na semana passada, quando a programação de TV foi interrompida com mensagens ameaçadoras sugerindo que o fim estava próximo.

Os espectadores da Cox Communications e Spectrum foram submetidos ao evento estranho. Suas transmissões regulares, incluindo os canais HGTV e Bravo, foram substituídas pelas palavras “ALERTA DE EMERGÊNCIA”, com algum som em pânico em segundo plano.

“O programa espacial fez contato com … eles não são o que eles afirmam ser”, dizia uma das gravações.

“Eles se infiltraram em muitos aspectos do estabelecimento militar, particularmente a Área 51. Os desastres que estão chegando – os militares – sinto muito, o governo sabe sobre eles …”

Outra gravação teve um aviso de voz de que “tempos extremamente violentos virão”, com um espectador dizendo ao Orange County Register que “quase soava como Hitler falando”.

Ninguém parece saber o que exatamente estava acontecendo. Um palpite sugere que alguns brincalhões conseguiram acessar o Sistema de Alerta de Emergência (EAS), o que permite que as autoridades ocupem as estações de TV e rádio para exibir alertas de emergência importantes, como avisos climáticos severos.

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Australia's Shame


Aboriginal people of the Stolen Generation were given criminal records for being taken away from their families by the Australian government. Their crime was being “a child in need of care.” They could be as young as two.

It was standard practice in Australia until 1989. Many are alive today who have a criminal record, solely for being born an Aboriginal person.

byronfowler: This just not only happen in Australia. It was and still is a world wide problem. The truth is, it was not Australian born people who done this. It was those pommy born bastards. Let’s get that right.

@byronfowler is saying that the British colonialists, not Australian-born British citizens, who gave Aboriginal persons criminal records for being born Aboriginal.

They are correct that the practice likely started under British rule. It was up and running by 1950. But even if this practice started under the British, it continued until 1989, and Australia became fully independent from Great Britain by 1948  when the Nationality and Citizenship Act passed. After 1948, everyone who had been born in Australia was an Australian citizen, and it was Australian-born Australians running the provincial and national government.

For those of you doing the math, 1989 is forty-one years after Australian independence. It was not being “forced” on Australians by a British colonial government for forty-one years. Australians – white Australians – wanted to take Aboriginals away from their families.

And Australians cannot blame the British for the fact that those criminal records can still be used to legally discriminate against Aboriginal persons. Today! Those criminal records, given as young as two, can deny someone housing, a job, a loan, or even kinship rights in 2017.

It would be nicer, easier, cleaner if Australians could lay all the blame on the British. But they cannot. 

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OSIRIS-REx Views the Earth During Flyby

A color composite image of Earth was taken on Sept. 22, 2017, by the MapCam camera on NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2xD7UHx
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Learning About Yaks

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In the 1600s, French architect Thomas Gobert planned 12...

In the 1600s, French architect Thomas Gobert planned 12 churches whose forms spelled out the words LOVIS LE GRAND (Louis the Great). To make the churches look pleasing, each letter is doubled mirrorwise, for symmetry. If you stare enough the letters will appear, I promise.

The churches were dedicated to Louis XIV of France – Gobert was a bit of a flatterer!  Sadly for Louis XIV, the churches were never built.

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Cassinis Last Ring Portrait at Saturn

How should Cassini say farewell to Saturn? Three days before plunging into Saturn's sunny side, the robotic Cassini spacecraft swooped far behind Saturn's night side with cameras blazing. Thirty-six of these images have been merged -- by an alert and adept citizen scientist -- into a last full-ring portrait of Cassini's home planet for the past 13 years. The Sun is just above the frame, causing Saturn to cast a dark shadow onto its enormous rings. This shadow position cannot be imaged from Earth and will not be visible again until another Earth-launched spaceship visits the ringed giant. Data and images from Cassini's mission-ending dive into Saturn's atmosphere on September 15 continue to be analyzed.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2wMUGtg
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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> http://ift.tt/2jJ3gRC to learn all about the history of psychology.

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