14 dezembro 2017

VISIT –>...

VISIT –> http://ift.tt/1wtk6Rs for Sigmund Freud information and resources.

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Lago no Canadá sugere vida possível em Marte

O lago foi descrito como “um pedaço de Marte [que] de alguma forma percorreu 33 milhões de milhas”.

Situado na Colúmbia Britânica, o chamado Spotted Lake é um grande corpo de água com centenas de piscinas menores que, segundo o folclore local, possuem propriedades curativas únicas.

O que torna o lago particularmente interessante para os cientistas, no entanto, é a forma como ele é paralelo a certas condições encontradas em Marte.

“A análise da água do lago manchado revela que os organismos estão realmente vivendo nas piscinas”, disseram pesquisadores que trabalham com o Science Channel do Discovery.

“É como se Marte chegou à Terra”.

“Nestes estranhos buracos estão pistas da vida no Planeta Vermelho”.

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Beware The Dancing Girls!

Tuyuhun invasion of Gansu was a battle between the Tuyuhun Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty in 623 CE. Tuyuhun and Tanguts regularly raided Chinese settlements along the western Tang frontier. In 623, the Tuyuhun departed from their homeland in the pastures of Mongolia, and invaded Gansu, in northwest China. The Tang general Chai Shao was dispatched to defeat the nomads and prevent further incursions. The problem for him was the Tuyuhun army controlled the high ground. Their archers easily held off any approach by the Tang army.

Chai Shao was an unorthodox man, and he thought of an unorthodox solution: erotic dancers. He sent two dancing girls and a group of musicians to a small hill near the Tuyuhun camp. The girls performed an erotic dance, accompanied by the musicians, just where they could be seen by the Tuyuhun army. Discipline fell apart completely as soldiers rushed to get a better view of the dancing.

Meanwhile, Chai Shao and the Tang cavalry snuck around behind the Tuyuhun, while everyone was distracted by the ladies. When they attacked, the Tuyuhun were completely defeated: they lost over 500 men, and were forced to retreat out of Gansu. Hostilities continued, but now the Tang were attacking the Tuyuhun, instead of fending off invasions.

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Soyuz Carrying Expedition 53 Crew Lands in Kazakhstan

The Soyuz MS-05 spacecraft is seen as it lands with Expedition 53 Commander Randy Bresnik of NASA and Flight Engineers Paolo Nespoli of ESA (European Space Agency) and Sergey Ryazanskiy of the Russian space agency Roscosmos near the town of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan on Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2ytt3kN
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Deep Sea Fish

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This axe is perfectly crafted out of a single piece of stone! ...

This axe is perfectly crafted out of a single piece of stone!  From the Late Mississippian culture, around 1300 to 1500 CE.

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Behavioral Economics

Behavioral Economics:

Visit –> http://ift.tt/2n1qdxV to learn all about behavioral economics.

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