16 abril 2015
One-Armed Spiral Galaxy NGC 4725
While most spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way, have two or more spiral arms, NGC 4725 has only one. In this sharp color composite image, the solo spira mirabilis seems to wind from a prominent ring of bluish, newborn star clusters and red tinted star forming regions. The odd galaxy also sports obscuring dust lanes a yellowish central bar structure composed of an older population of stars. NGC 4725 is over 100 thousand light-years across and lies 41 million light-years away in the well-groomed constellation Coma Berenices. Computer simulations of the formation of single spiral arms suggest that they can be either leading or trailing arms with respect to a galaxy's overall rotation. Also included in the frame, sporting a noticably more traditional spiral galaxy look, is a more distant background galaxy.
from NASA http://ift.tt/1J5wFJ7
webofgoodnews: ‘Success Kid’ helps father get a...
‘Success Kid’ helps father get a kidney
“Starred in a meme. Saved my dad’s kidneys.”
The father of one of the most recognizable boys on the Internet will get a life-saving kidney transplant thanks to supporters of his son’s famous photo.
Eight-year-old Sam Griner was once the pudgy-faced, fist-pumping toddler who spawned the Internet meme known as “Success Kid.” The original photo shows Sam clutching a fistful of sand on the beach, moments after smashing a sandcastle. His steely-eyed expression helped the photo go viral in 2007, spawning thousands of captioned images about success. Sam’s face has become ubiquitous on message boards, comment threads and social media across the Internet.
weedporndaily: Jamaica’s looser marijuana laws go into full...
Jamaica’s looser marijuana laws go into full effect
KINGSTON, Jamaica (Cannabist) — Drug law amendments that partially decriminalize small amounts of pot and pave the way for a lawful medical marijuana sector went into effect Wednesday in Jamaica, a country where the drug has long been culturally entrenched.
Justice Minister Mark Golding described the reforms as “long overdue” on the Caribbean island, where the drug is revered by members of Jamaica’s Rastafari movement and used regularly by many ordinary Jamaicans. Jamaica’s Parliament gave the amendments final approval in February.
The act makes possession of up to 2 ounces (56 grams) of marijuana, or “ganja” as it’s known locally, a petty offense that could result in a roughly $5 ticket but not in an arrest or a criminal record.
Cultivation of five or fewer plants by any household is allowed. And Rastafari adults are now permitted to use marijuana for sacramental purposes for the first time since the homegrown spiritual movement was founded in the 1930s.
xviqueenkayy: blazian-deity96: foobis: microwave-chick: jimmi...
Don’t Or You Won’t Be Able To Sleep Tonight
Fucking no! No. No. No! Just fucking no! No! Not good. Not FUCKINNG good
Really fucking creepy, would not advise to normal people, but hey, if you’re into that go for it
I’m very tempted
Please.just.keep.scrolling Im trying to protect you 😶😳
showen-maste-fortsatta: zachlilley: New Proof 2pac Is Alive...
zachlilley: New Proof 2pac Is Alive (Part 1 of 2) New Proof...
April 16th 1889: Charlie Chaplin bornOn this day in 1889, the...
Chaplin posing with 'the Tramp' merchandise around 1918
Charlie Chaplin (1889 - 1977) pictured as 'The Tramp'
April 16th 1889: Charlie Chaplin born
On this day in 1889, the famous silent film star Charlie Chaplin was born in London. Chaplin came from a musical family, but his family fell on hard times and he spent his childhood on the streets of London. This hardship did nothing to abate the young Chaplin’s aspiration to be an actor. He began to secure roles on stage, gaining a reputation as a fine comic actor. Chaplin moved to the United States in 1913 to embark on a promising film career. Soon after arriving he established the character that would make him famous: ‘the Tramp’. The character, a bumbling vagrant, featured in over 10 of Chaplin’s films. This role threw Charlie Chaplin to international prominence, and he soon earned a huge salary of $670,000 a year - a vast amount even now; he had come a long way from his poverty-stricken youth in London. He continued to star in films, notably ‘The Great Dictator’ in 1940 which parodied Adolf Hitler. Chaplin’s popularity waned as he faced controversy in the United States when he was accused of being a communist. However, he enjoyed a renewed appreciation by the 1970s, winning an honorary Oscar in 1972. Chaplin died in 1977 aged 88 in Switzerland, where he had moved in the early 1950s after being banned from the States.
blazian-deity96: foobis: microwave-chick: jimmij93: Don’t Or...
Don’t Or You Won’t Be Able To Sleep Tonight
Fucking no! No. No. No! Just fucking no! No! Not good. Not FUCKINNG good
Really fucking creepy, would not advise to normal people, but hey, if you’re into that go for it
I’m very tempted
Never Trust Food Again! Dangerous Food Additives the FDA Considers "Safe"
Never Trust Food Again! Dangerous Food Additives the FDA Considers "Safe"
The Richest Women in the World
the sun, photographed by sdo, 15th april 2015.19 images over 5...
Saiba quando é o dia de São Jorge e peça proteção contra o mal
São Jorge é um santo adorado por pessoas de diversas crenças: católicos, espíritas e religiões afro-brasileiras celebram este poderoso santo, que nos protege contra a inveja, inimigos e mau olhado.
No Brasil, o dia de São Jorge é celebrado em 23 de abril, que é feriado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e este é o santo padroeiro da cidade maravilhosa. A data é um feriado municipal desde 2001, mas em 2008 foi decretado feriado estadual pelo então governador Sérgio Cabral.
A data foi escolhida por ser o dia em que Jorge foi decapitado pelo imperador, por não querer abrir mão de sua crença cristã.
O que fazer no dia de São Jorge
Diversos centros espíritas, de umbanda, candomblé e igrejas realizam rituais específicos nesta data, com orações, danças e procissões. Se você prefere fazer algo sozinha, em casa, veja algumas dicas de simpatias para oferecer a São Jorge neste dia tão especial.
Simpatia para realizar um desejo
Pegue duas fitas virgens, uma vermelha e uma branca. Escreva o seu pedido em cada uma e diga:
"Ó, São Jorge, cavaleiro intrépido e vencedor, abra os meus caminhos. Ajude-me a conseguir (diga o seu pedido). Que a paz, o amor e a harmonia estejam sempre presentes no meu coração, no meu lar e no meu trabalho. Amém".
Em seguida, reze um Pai Nosso, uma Ave Maria e Glória ao Pai. Depois amarre as fitas no punho esquero e espere arrebentar.
Ritual para cortar a negatividade e abrir caminhos
- 1 vela branca
- 1 vela vermelha
- 1 vela verde
- 1 prato
- sal grosso
- 7 ramos de arruda
- 1 papel
- lápis
Como fazer:
Primeiro escreva seu nome de batismo e a data do seu nascimento, em letra de forma, no papel.
Coloque o papel no meio do prato e faça um círculo na borda com o sal grosso. Depois, cubra com a arruda.
Ponha as velas no centro do prato formando um triângulo e acenda-as com fósforos.
Com muita fé, recite a oração abaixo:
" São Jorge Guerreiro, ilumina meus caminhos , afastando as trevas, erga sua lança me protegendo contra todos os inimigos. São Jorge Guerreiro quebre, elimine, desmanche todas as forças maléficas que por ventura estejam atuando em minha vida. São Jorge Guerreiro corte pragas e maldições que tenham sido lançadas contra mim nesta vida ou em vidas passadas, corte o olho gordo, a inveja e o quebranto. São Jorge Guerreiro derrama sobre minha vida sua luz, abrindo meus caminhos para que eu possa vencer na vida."
Depois, reze um Pai Nosso, uma Ave Maria e faça seus pedidos. Para finalizar, diga a oração de São Jorge, que você encontra aqui (link texto oração de São Jorge V15-49)
Pronto, você estará protegida contra todo mal e ainda abrirá caminhos para que todos os seus sonhos se realizem.
Fique magra, saudável e bonita com a ajuda de 16 superalimentos
Você já deve ter ouvido falar dos superalimentos. Eles são ricos em vitaminas e trazem muitos benefícios para a nossa saúde. Alguns estão na moda, como a Goji e o óleo de coco, mas existem alguns mais fáceis de encontrar que vão deixar as suas refeições mais coloridas, saborosas e funcionais!
O poder dos superalimentos
Superalimentos - Lentilha
É rica em fibra e vitaminas e, por ter menos gordura, é ótima substituta para o feijão.
Superalimentos - Batata doce
Possui bastanta potássio, vitamina C e fibras. O carboidrato dela é diferente da batata normal, por isso traz mais saciedade.
Superalimentos - Inhame
Ajuda a prevenir a osteoporose, artrite e cálculo renal, pois contém grandes quantidades de fósforo, proteínas e potássio.
Superalimentos - Rabanete
Esta raíz é ótima para o sistema imunológico, estimula as funções digestivas e limpa as vias respiratórias.
Superalimentos - Nêspera
A fruta é exótica e nos ajuda a ficar em forma. Possui sais minerais que controlam os níveis de gordura no sangue, além de prevenir diabetes.
Superalimentos - Acelga
Protege o fígado e ainda previne a diabetes.
Superalimentos - Nabo
Rico em vitamina C, potássio e fibras, ajuda no equilíbrio intestinal.
Superalimentos - Chicória
Controla o nível de triglicérides, melhora a absorção de minerais e ainda auxilia no funcionamento do intestino.
Superalimentos - Pitanga
Tem muito cálcio, que faz bem para os ossos, além de ser antioxidante.
Superalimentos - Cará
É parente da batata, mas ajuda na regeneração muscular. É ideal para depois do exercício físico.
Superalimentos - Castanha do Pará
Rica em selênio, ajuda a controlar o colesterol, mas o indicado é comer apenas uma por dia, pois o selênio em excesso faz mal.
Superalimentos - Brócolis
É um alimento completo! Possui muita vitamina C, A, fibras, ácido fólico, cálcio, ferro e potássio.
Superalimentos - Mirtilos ou blueberry
Combatem o envelhecimento, previnem perda de memória e o aparecimento de rugas.
Superalimentos - Abacate
Pode acreditar, essa fruta nos ajuda a perder ou manter o peso, pois possui alto índice de gordura monoinsaturada, além de hidratar a pele e os cabelos.
Superalimentos - Chocolate amargo
Possui antioxidantes que reduzem o risco de problemas cardíacos e derrames, além de ser rico em zinco e ferro.
Superalimentos - Romã
Excelente fonte de antioxidantes e vitaminas, ajuda a manter o fluxo sanguíneo em dia, prevenindo problemas do coração.
Ficou com vontade de fazer uma refeição mais saudável? A dica é: quanto mais colorido o prato, mais nutrientes ele tem, portanto, invente receitas diferentes e misture os alimentos da lista. Você vai ver como é gostoso e fácil ficar magra e saudável!
X-rays were once used in beauty salons and barber shops across...
X-rays were once used in beauty salons and barber shops across the US for hair removal! It started in 1915, when Dr. Albert Geyser wrote an article claiming that the Cornell tube (a mini-x-ray machine which, no surprise, he had invented) required “no protection of any kind, either for patient or operator.” His Cornell tubes were leased to beauty shops and trained operators to handle them. Sessions were called ‘light treatment’ or ‘short-wave treatment.’
The long-term effects of Cornell tube treatments eventually became clear. Patients’ skin wrinkled and thickened from radiation exposure. They developed skin lesions, ulcers, and cancer. The x-ray hair removal clinics functioned into the mid-century. The government didn’t take action as would be expected nowadays. Instead, personal horror stories published in newspapers spread awareness and cut off demand for the service.
The Richest Women in the World
Female Excellence! For more facts follow NowYouKno
The Richest Women in the World
r-rauraauslly-5: nowyoukno: Source for more facts follow...
webofgoodnews: Last Male Northern White Rhino On Planet Has...
Last Male Northern White Rhino On Planet Has 24/7 Armed Guard Protection
Thanks to cowardly poachers, this is the last male northern white rhino left on the planet, and he’s called Sudan.
Sudan lives at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, and thankfully, he is very well looked after. So much so, that he has 24/7 armed guard protection.
The conservancy takes the threat of this beautiful animal becoming extinct very, very seriously, and rightly so. It should never have got to this point in the first place.
CDC Celebrates National Minority Health Month! In accordance...
CDC Celebrates National Minority Health Month!
In accordance with this year’s Minority Health Month theme: 30 Years of Advancing Health Equity, The Heckler Report: A Force for Ending Health Disparities in America, CDC and HHS are commemorating federal efforts towards eliminating health disparities that were mobilized by the findings from the Heckler Report .
The six recommendations outlined in the report serve as the cornerstone for much of CDC’s health equity work today.
Building in part on the findings of the Heckler report and its recommendations, HHS released in 2011 an updated plan for federal initiatives aimed at reducing racial and ethnic health disparities through the HHS Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities .
(More from CDC)
Shortly after joining the faculty of UC San Diego in 1968,...
Shortly after joining the faculty of UC San Diego in 1968, British artist Harold Cohen asked, “What are the minimum conditions under which a set of marks functions as an image?” He set out to answer this by writing a computer program that would create original artistic images.
The result, which he dubbed AARON, has been drawing new images since 1973, first still lifes, then people, then full interior scenes with color. These have been exhibited in galleries throughout the world.