03 fevereiro 2015



Morton Deutsch was born.

GO HERE —> http://ift.tt/1eWNk1f For Free Psychology Information & Resources.

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ValentinesCards.tumblr.com is a tumblr blog full of the funniest...

ValentinesCards.tumblr.com is a tumblr blog full of the funniest homemade Valentine’s Day cards!

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Jets from Comet Churyumov Gerasimenko

Where do comet tails come from? Although it is common knowledge that comet tails and comas originate from comet nuclei, exactly how that happens is an active topic of research. One of the best images yet of emerging jets is shown in the featured image, taken last November by the robotic Rosetta spacecraft in orbit around the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Comet CG), and released last month. The overexposed picture shows plumes of gas and dust escaping numerous places from the Comet CG's nucleus as it nears the Sun and heats up. Although Comet CG is currently further out from the Sun than Mars, its orbit will take it almost as close as the Earth this coming August, at which time its jet activity is expected to increase by a factor of about 100. You've likely seen some debris from comet nuclei before but in another form -- when sand-sized bits end their journey through the Solar System by impacting the atmosphere of Earth as meteors.

from NASA http://ift.tt/1yyAMYr

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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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Shanti Devi: A prova da existência da reencarnação?

Shanti Devi (Déli, India, 11 de dezembro de 1926 - 27 de dezembro de 1987) ficou conhecida pela sua suposta reencarnação, pois, desde criança que começou a relatar que já teve uma vida anterior. Ela visitou o lugar onde teria vivdo, com o nome de Ludgi Devi e reencontrou o seu marido e filhos.

Tudo começou na década de 30, em que começou a contar lembranças detalhadas da sua suposta vida passada. De acordo com os seus relatos, quando tinha quatro anos de idade, disse aos seus pais que a sua verdadeira casa ficava em Mathura, onde viveu com o seu marido (aproximadamente a 145 quilómetros de distância da sua casa atual). Ela fugiu de casa, aos seis anos, porque os seus pais nunca acreditaram nela. Tinha como objectivo chegar a Mathura. Quando voltou para a casa, ela declarou na escola que fora casada e faleceu dez dias após ter dado à luz uma criança. Eis que Shanti foi entrevistada pelo diretor da sua escola e seu professor. Durante a conversa, ela disse palavras pertencentes ao dialeto de Mathura e divulgou o nome do seu antigo marido: Kedar Nath. O diretor localizou realmente um homem com esse nome a viver em Mathura, que, segundo ele, tinha perdido a sua esposa há nove anos, dez dias depois de ter dado à luz.

Kedar viajou para Déli, fingindo ser um irmão de Shanti, mas esta reconheceu-o, ainda assim. Ela soube contar vários detalhes da vida de Kedar, convencendo-o que era mesmo a reencarnação da sua esposa Lugdi Devi. Este caso foi dado a conhecer a Mahatma Gandhi, que estabeleceu uma comissão para investigá-lo. Com isso, Shanti Devi foi levada até Mathura, a 15 de Novembro de 1935. Lá, ela reconheceu vários familiares. Shanti também descobriu que Kedar não manteve algumas promessas feitas por ele mesmo, durante o leito de morte de Lugdi. Um relatório foi publicado em 1936, que concluiu que Shanti Devi era, de fato, a reencarnação de Lugdi Devi. Mais tarde, Shanti foi entrevistada e um autor sueco, que a tinha visitado duas vezes, publicou um livro sobre o caso, em 1994. Uma versão em inglês foi publicada em 1998. Shanti não se casou e faleceu a 27 de Dezembro de 1987.

E agora, ainda duvidam?

Adaptado de: wikipédia

via @notiun

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Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein. Does anyone know when this photo was taken?

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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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GO HERE —>...

GO HERE —> http://ift.tt/1BSo5IQ to read the Little Albert study in full for free.

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ugh. the procrastination continues.

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'State of NASA' Address at Kennedy Space Center

In the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building high bay at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden delivers a “state of the agency” address on Feb. 2, 2015 at NASA's televised fiscal year 2016 budget rollout event with Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana looking on, at right. Representatives from the Kennedy workforce, news media and social media were in attendance. NASA's Orion, SpaceX Dragon and Boeing CST-100 spacecraft, all destined to play a role in NASA’s overall exploration objectives, were on display. Photo credit: NASA/Amber Watson

from NASA http://ift.tt/1zDuXgo

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The All About Psychology website book of the month for February is - The Psychopath Whisperer: The Science of Those Without Conscience By Kent A. Kiehl, PhD. Click on image or see following link for details of this excellent book and all the previous book of the month entries. http://ift.tt/1wXXj2E

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American soldiers stationed in New Zealand in WW2 started a riot over the fact that a New Zealand...

American soldiers stationed in New Zealand in WW2 started a riot over the fact that a New Zealand club was not segregated and Maori servicemen were allowed to enter. It is called, somewhat comically, the Battle of Manners Street.

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February 3rd 1870: Fifteenth Amendment ratifiedOn this day in...

The 15th Amendment

'The First Vote' cartoon from Harper's Weekly, showing the key black Republican supporters - artisans, urbanites, and Union soldiers

February 3rd 1870: Fifteenth Amendment ratified

On this day in 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified. This measure came as the third and last of the so-called ‘Reconstruction amendments’, passed after the end of the Civil War by the Radical Republicans in Congress. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the country, expanding on President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Proclamation which freed slaves in the Confederacy. The second Reconstruction Amendment, the Fourteenth, provided citizenship and equal protection for freedmen. The Fifteenth granted African-American men the right to vote. It was passed by Congress in February 1869, and received ratification from the requisite number of states the following year, being formally adopted in March 1870. For many abolitionists, this was the most important measure of the Reconstruction effort. In the words of black abolitionist Frederick Douglass, "slavery is not abolished until the black man has the ballot" . Black enfranchisement meant that for the first time in American history, African-Americans were elected to political office. These included first black Senator, Hiram Rhodes Revels, Representative Joseph Rainey, and Governor P.B.S. Pinchback of Louisiana (who until 1990 was the only black state governor in U.S. history). In states such as South Carolina, slaves made up a majority of the population, meaning that once enfranchised they dominated state politics. Despite being enshrined in constitutional law, African-Americans were prevented from voting through discriminatory measures like poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses, as well as by the violent intimidation of the recently formed Ku Klux Klan. The 1965 Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, finally provided for the full registration of black voters in the U.S. This measure came in the larger context of the Civil Rights Movement, which also targetted post-Reconstruction injustices such as Jim Crow segregation.

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"

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