In this sharp snapshot, the Solar System's largest moon Ganymede poses next to Jupiter, the largest planet. Captured on March 10 with a small...
15 maio 2015
biomedicalephemera: Lateral and isolated view of the...
“Pharaohs” Weren’t Actually Called “Pharaohs”? just launched a...
clouds over idaho & montana, photographed by goes 15, 13th...
Sinais de mentira - Observe e descubra se uma pessoa está mentindo
Sonhar com lama
The Visual Brain - Coloring Our WorldInfographic by Mezzmer Blog
Portrait of the Artist’s Great Grand Uncle Yizhai at the...
Why your brain needs touch to make you human FIST bumps and...
E-mails de morto assustam parentes e amigos nos EUA
Astronauts at Work on the International Space Station just launched a...
"People think that because a novel’s invented, it isn’t true. Exactly the reverse is the case...."
May 15th 1940: First McDonald’s opensOn this day in 1940, the...
Elefante indiano traz sorte virado de costas para porta!
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