23 agosto 2017

The Eagle and The Swan

The Eagle Nebula and the Swan Nebula span this broad starscape, a telescopic view toward the Sagittarius spiral arm and the center of our Milky Way galaxy. The Eagle, also known as M16, is at top and M17, the Swan, at bottom of the frame showing the cosmic clouds as brighter regions of active star-formation. They lie along the spiral arm suffused with reddish emission charactistic of atomic hydrogen gas, and dusty dark nebulae. M17, also called the Omega Nebula, is about 5500 light-years away, while M16 is some 6500 light-years distant. The center of both nebulae are locations of well-known close-up images of star formation from the Hubble Space Telescope. In this mosaic image that extends about 3 degrees across the sky, narrowband, high-resultion image data has been used to enhance the central regions of the Eagle and Swan. The extended wings of the Eagle Nebula spread almost 120 light-years. The Swan is over 30 light-years across.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2wnvqbS
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SIMPATIA PARA CAUSAS IMPOSSÍVEISOs dias que antecedem a julgamentos ou tomadas de decisões importantes, que podemmudar as vidas das pessoas, costumam ser dias que se arrastam ou desencadeiam uma tensão muito grande. Tudo isso sem se falar nas dúvidas, que tomam conta de tudo, trazendo insegurança e outros sentimentos.Quando você estiver em uma situação aparentemente difícil, com uma questão de

via @notiun

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Child tooth is fourth fossil clue to mysterious Denisovan humans

Child tooth is fourth fossil clue to mysterious Denisovan humans:

How many of you have heard of the Denisovians? Mysterious homo species which was originally discovered in 2010 thanks to genetic analysis of a single, 50,000-year-old finger bone found in a cave in Siberia. It was found amidst many other bones which were originally believed to be Neanderthal bones, and closely resemble them, so it was not until the widespread availability of genetic testing that we knew the finger bone’s DNA is far enough away from Neanderthals to count as a separate group.

Later genetic studies suggested that these distinct ancient humans split away from the Neanderthals sometime between 470,000 and 190,000 years ago. And they bred with humans sometime since then! Between 3% and 5% of the DNA of modern Melanesian  and Aboriginal Australians’ is Denisovian. Cool!

Since 2010, two teeth from that cave have been shown to be Denisovian as well, thanks to DNA testing. And in July of 2017, a fourth Denisovian fossil was found!

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The Violent Legend of Tea

In both Chinese and Japanese tradition, the discovery of tea is credited to the Indian sage Bodhidharma (aka Daruma), the founder of Zen Buddhism. 

Bodhidharma, travelling to spread the word of his new doctrine, founded the Shaolin temple in southern China (or the Shorinji Temple to the Japanese). There he meditated while sitting facing a wall. For nine years. At the end of that period Bodhidarma’s legs had withered away and he was just on the verge of reaching enlightenment, but then he fell asleep. He missed being enlightened – all because he could not keep his eyes open. Enraged at missing the last, ultimate step, he ripped off his own eyelids and threw them to the ground. From them grew the first tea bush.

Just to recap: a peaceful Buddhist almost reaches enlightenment, but cannot control his own body and falls asleep at the wrong moment, causing the “peaceful” sage to rip off his own eyelids and invent tea.

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The Eclipse 2017 Umbra Viewed from Space

As millions of people across the United States experienced a total eclipse as the umbra, or moon’s shadow passed over them, only six people witnessed the umbra from space. The space station crossed the path of the eclipse three times as it orbited above the continental United States at an altitude of 250 miles.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2v5PxeW
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