12 março 2017

Simpatia para atrair dinheiro e sorte

Hoje, trazemos mais uma simpatia para atrair sorte e ganhar dinheiro. Os tempos estão difíceis e as perspectivas e que tudo irá piorar nos próximos 20 anos, o salário vai diminuir, o desemprego vai aumentar e até a aposentadoria vai ficar mais difícil.
Não está fácil para ninguém, estamos notando um aumento da procura por Simpatias para ganhar dinheiro de maneira alarmante. E buscando atender essa procura trazemos hoje mais uma Simpatia bem fácil de fazer.

Veja também: Simpatia para ter sempre dinheiro em casa

 Esta simpatia deve ser feita em uma manhã de segunda-feira, você irá precisar de uma cerveja e um copo de plástico branco.
Esta simpatia deve ser feita ao ar livre, pode fazer no pátio da sua casa. Pegue e encha o copo de plástico branco com cerveja.
Segure com a mão esquerda e aos poucos derrame sobre a sua mão direita. Faça isso lentamente, feche os olhos e concentre enquanto segue derramando a cerveja na sua mão. Imagine moedas douradas chegando até você enquanto segue derramando a cerveja na sua mão.
Procure fazer isso lentamente, quanto mais lento e mais demorar mais sorte terá. Quando terminar a simpatia. Leve o copo para dentro de casa e guarde. Sempre que puder coloque umas moedas no copo, use-o para guardar moedas.
Veja também:

Simpatia para atrair dinheiro e prosperidade

Simpatia do Buda para ganhar dinheiro

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At the Heart of Orion

Near the center of this sharp cosmic portrait, at the heart of the Orion Nebula, are four hot, massive stars known as the Trapezium. Tightly gathered within a region about 1.5 light-years in radius, they dominate the core of the dense Orion Nebula Star Cluster. Ultraviolet ionizing radiation from the Trapezium stars, mostly from the brightest star Theta-1 Orionis C powers the complex star forming region's entire visible glow. About three million years old, the Orion Nebula Cluster was even more compact in its younger years and a dynamical study indicates that runaway stellar collisions at an earlier age may have formed a black hole with more than 100 times the mass of the Sun. The presence of a black hole within the cluster could explain the observed high velocities of the Trapezium stars. The Orion Nebula's distance of some 1,500 light-years would make it the closest known black hole to planet Earth.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2meZVHQ
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This little island, perched on coral, has a higher population...

This little island, perched on coral, has a higher population density than Manhattan. In fact, it’s density is four times that of Manhattan! It is only 2.4 acres in size, yet, it’s home to 1,200 people. Santa Cruz del Islote is a small island in an archipelago off the coast of Colombia. With no water, and electricity just 5 hours a day, why does anyone live here?

Legend has it that about 150 years ago, a group of fishermen from the coastal town of Baru, about 50 km away, were looking for new waters to fish when they stumbled upon this small coral island, sitting low in the waters. As it was too late to return, the fishermen decided to set up camp on the island for the night and were pleasantly surprised to discover that the island had no mosquitoes, a rarity in the area. The story goes that the men slept so peacefully that night that they decided to stay.

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March 12th 1912: The Girl Scouts foundedOn this day in 1912, the...

March 12th 1912: The Girl Scouts founded

On this day in 1912, the Girl Guides - who would later become the Girl Scouts of the USA - were founded. The organisation was founded by Juliette Gordon Low, after she met the founder of Scouting - Robert Baden-Powell. The first Girl Scout meeting took place on March 12th in Savannah, Georgia, with 18 girls attending; there are now over 3.2 million members. Low wanted to give America and the world “something for the girls” and aimed to encourage girls to become active citizens and to develop their full potential. They soon became an important group in the USA, with Martin Luther King Jr describing the Girl Scouts as “a force for desegregation” in the 1950s and 1960s.

“I’ve got something for the girls of Savannah, and all of America, and all the world, and we’re going to start it tonight!”
- Juliette Low at the first Girl Scout meeting

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March 11th 1864: The Great Sheffield FloodOn this day in 1864,...

March 11th 1864: The Great Sheffield Flood

On this day in 1864, the Dale Dyke Dam in Sheffield broke, causing one of the largest floods in English history. 650 million gallons of water swept down Loxley Valley and through areas of Sheffield. The flood destroyed 800 homes and killed around 293 people, thus making it the largest man-made disaster to befall England, and one of the deadliest floods in history. Individual stories from the disaster are particularly tragic. For example, Joseph Dawson found the currents too strong and was unable to save both his wife and two day old baby boy - the Dawsons’ unnamed child became the first victim of the floods. The destruction afterwards led one observer to remark that Sheffield was “looking like a battlefield.” While this tragedy is often forgotten in English history, many Sheffielders take this day to remember what once happened to their city.

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A Belgian named George Washington invented instant coffee in 1906 in Guatemala.

A Belgian named George Washington invented instant coffee in 1906 in Guatemala.

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H-NF Now Has A Patreon!

What’s that you ask? It’s a way to become a “patron” of this site. You contribute whatever amount you feel comfortable, to keep historical-nonfiction going. And you get great rewards in return!

Patreon is set up by monthly pledges. You sign up to give as little as $1 a month. If you’re feeling able, there are also $3 and $10 patron options. Every patron will get access to exclusive historical content over on patreon. You can also submit topic suggestions for future posts, and vote for which suggestions become posts! Your help will keep this website up and running, and help pay for repairs and improvements.

There’s other benefits too – when I reach 50 patrons on patreon, historical-nonfiction with do a question-and-answer session. When I reach 100 patrons on patreon, historical-nonfiction will go up to FOUR posts a day!

Check out my patreon, and consider becoming a patron!

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