30 abril 2021

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Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/abnormal-psychology.html to learn all about ‘abnormal psychology,’ including an important discussion on whether the term abnormal psychology should be used.

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29 abril 2021

The Meteor Crater (yes, that is it’s actual name) is one of the best preserved meteor craters...

The Meteor Crater (yes, that is it’s actual name) is one of the best preserved meteor craters in the world. This is due to its young age for a crater, at approximately 50,000 years old, and the dry climate around it in Arizona.

That is not to say the Meteor Crater is perfectly preserved. Scientists estimate that 50–65 ft (15–20 m) of height has been lost at the rim crest as a result of natural erosion, and 100 ft (30 m) of sediment has been added to the basin.

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A Danish Word The World Needs To Combat Stress

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28 abril 2021

African-American cowgirl Nellie Brown, and her horse. Circa 1900 - 1915.

African-American cowgirl Nellie Brown, and her horse. Circa 1900 - 1915.

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/the-reply-of-a-physiologist-to-psychologists.html to read ‘The Reply of a Physiologist to Psychologists’. A Classic article by Ivan Pavlov on the physiological vs. psychological nature of conditioning. 

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27 abril 2021

Before And After The Bosnian WarThe ethnic and religious composition of Bosnia and Herzegovina...

Before And After The Bosnian War

The ethnic and religious composition of Bosnia and Herzegovina before and after the conflict (which began in 1991).

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html to learn all about the history of psychology.

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26 abril 2021

Wyoming’s Periodic Spring is well-named. It flows for...

Wyoming’s Periodic Spring is well-named. It flows for roughly 15 minutes, then goes dry for 15 minutes, then repeats again. It is the world’s largest intermittent spring, or rhythmic spring, or breathing spring. This is likely caused by an oddly-shaped cavern fed by spring water in the rock behind the spring.

There’s only about 100 known intermittent springs in the world. Another famous one is in Jerusalem! Although it no longer runs intermittently naturally, and a pump is used to imitate it.

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com for quality psychology information and resources. 

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25 abril 2021

Ancient History Fun Fact

In ancient Mesopotamia, cuneiform clay tablets were often so small that reading them was difficult and impractical. But they were not really designed to be read. Instead they were designed to be checked, by someone who already knew the text by heart, and just needed a reminder about what the next section or word started with.

The written clay tablet was to assist in the perfect passing-down of oral information between generations. Students learned by listening and repeating chanting, singing, or reciting – not by reading.

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/sigmund-freud.html for Sigmund Freud information and resources.

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24 abril 2021

In the 1700s, Whalers Avoided Hawai’i for an Odd Reason

Honolulu was such an alluring port that many strong-minded captains refused to touch there, for desertions of nearly half a ship’s complement were not uncommon. In time the problem became so acute that ship owners banded together and paid head money to native gangs for each deserter hauled in from the hills or lush valleys, but some wise Yankee skippers avoided the whole problem by cruising back and forth in sight of land and sending ashore only longboats manned by trusted officers, who accumulated the required provisions and rowed back to their reluctant ships. Occasionally, of course, even such special crews deserted.

Michener, James A., et al. “The Globe Mutineers.” Rascals in Paradise. The Dial Press, 2016. 15, 16. Print.

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23 abril 2021

These are the people described as Lenin’s inner circle. Four out...

These are the people described as Lenin’s inner circle. Four out of thirteen definitely were killed, and multiple died of “unknown” causes.

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Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/psychology-tests.html to learn all about psychological testing.

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22 abril 2021

Purple Oceans

For about seven-eights of the Earth’s history, its oceans were extremely rich in sulfides. This would have prevented animals and plants from surviving in 70% of the planet. But it was a great habitat for photosynthetic bacteria that require sulfides and sunlight to live. Known as purple and green sulfur bacteria (because those are the two colors it comes in) these single-celled microbes can only live in environments where they simultaneously have access to sulfides and sunlight.

That they thrived in the sulfide-rich ocean has been confirmed with the finding of fossilized pigments of purple sulfur bacteria in 1.6 billion-year-old rocks from the McArthur Basin in Northern Australia.

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21 abril 2021

Antarctica is a desert. It only gets about 2 inches of snow each year. The majority of Antartica’s...

Antarctica is a desert. It only gets about 2 inches of snow each year. The majority of Antartica’s snow and ice is older than you are.

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com for quality psychology information and resources.

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20 abril 2021

Iñupiat girls. Photographed in Point Barrow, Alaska, ca. 1960s.

Iñupiat girls. Photographed in Point Barrow, Alaska, ca. 1960s.

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com for quality psychology information and resources. 

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18 abril 2021

Iconic Golden Lion from Ancient Georgia

This ancient lion is well-known in Georgia today, appearing on money and logos. The little lion comes from the kingdom of Colchis, 2300 - 2000 BCE. This nation in the Caucasus was known for its goldworking. It s also believed to be the basis for the ancient Greek legend of Jason and the golden fleece. What is the connection?

Well, it is believed that the Colchians screened for gold in their rivers with the use of sheepskins, which would have collected tiny flakes of gold. Creating literal “golden fleeces.” Archaeologists and geologists, having reproduced this method and studied how much gold would have been in regional water sources, have suggested this method would have indeed been viable.

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17 abril 2021

Two Women At The Market In La Paz, 1909

Writer and photographer Harriet Chalmers Adams wrote in the accompanying story, “If La Paz is a peacock, the market place is its tail”

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15 abril 2021

Indigenous groups that paint their bodies tend to live in areas where there is an abundance of...

Indigenous groups that paint their bodies tend to live in areas where there is an abundance of bloodsucking horseflies, mosquitoes, or tsetse flies. A study in 2019 showed that this was not a coincidence: painted stripes on the body protect skin from insect bites. A model with no stripes attracted ten times as many biting insects as a model with white stripes painted on.

Interestingly, archaeological evidence suggests that body painting appeared before clothes, another way to protect against insect bites.

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Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/gestalt-theory.html to read ‘Gestalt Theory’ by Max Wertheimer in full for free! A classic text in the history of Gestalt Psychology.

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14 abril 2021

Were Medieval (European) Thieves/Assassins Guilds Real?

Historical-nonfiction only asks the real questions. Like did well-organized crime groups exist in medieval Europe?

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13 abril 2021

Inteligência artificial alienígena pode ter bilhões de anos

Um filósofo da NASA afirmou que a antiga inteligência artificial alienígena pode já existir.

Quando consideramos a possibilidade de vida em outras partes do universo, tendemos a imaginar civilizações diferentes dos humanos, que são constituídos por humanóides biológicos, como algo em Star Trek.

Mas e se a forma dominante de inteligência no universo for artificial, em vez de biológica?

A filósofa Susan Schneider, presidente da Biblioteca do Congresso da NASA / Astrobiologia, acredita que esse tipo de inteligência artificial pode já existir há bilhões de anos.

Ela disse: “Não acredito que a maioria das civilizações alienígenas avançadas sejam criaturas”. “As civilizações mais complexas serão formas pós-biológicas de inteligência artificial ou superinteligência de alienígenas.”

Para um estudo recente da NASA, Schneider tentou responder a uma pergunta sobre como a inteligência alienígena teria uma experiência consciente semelhante à nossa.

Ela concluiu que, uma vez que a civilização atinge o ponto em que pode se aventurar no espaço, levará apenas alguns séculos para fazer a transição para a inteligência artificial.

Ela acredita que isso provavelmente fará com que quaisquer alienígenas que encontrarmos não sejam criaturas.

Dito isso, é preciso notar que sua definição de “inteligência artificial” se estende a entidades que usam a tecnologia para aprimorar seu pensamento e consciência – isso não significa necessariamente que a IA alienígena será puramente de robôs por natureza.

Uma analogia melhor pode ser a fusão da entidade biológica Borg em “Star Trek” e uma máquina projetada para melhorá-la muito além do que pode ser alcançado apenas por meio da evolução.

No entanto, resta saber se encontraremos tais criaturas (ou mesmo nos tornaremos nós mesmos).

O post Inteligência artificial alienígena pode ter bilhões de anos apareceu primeiro em Arquivo UFO.

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Pentágono diz que OVNI triangular sobre navio de guerra da Marinha dos EUA é genuíno

Um porta-voz do Pentágono confirmou a autenticidade de incríveis imagens e vídeos que vazaram de suas investigações de OVNIs.

A visão noturna capturada por um destróier da Marinha dos Estados Unidos foi postada online pelo cineasta Jeremy Corbell, parecendo mostrar objetos voadores ‘misteriosos’ perto de navios de guerra.

“A Marinha dos Estados Unidos fotografou e filmou OVNIs em forma de“ pirâmide ”e veículos transmédios avançados“ esféricos ”; aqui está aquela filmagem ”, escreveu ele no Instagram.

Susan Gough, do Pentágono, disse ao The Sun “que as fotos e vídeos mencionados foram feitos por pessoal da Marinha”.

O clipe foi coletado pela Força-Tarefa de Fenômenos Aéreos Não Identificados (UAP), relata a publicação.

As imagens e o vídeo vazaram para a Corbell e o diretor de notícias da KLAS TV, George Knapp.

Corbell também afirmou que verificou sua autenticidade após obter acesso a um briefing de inteligência do Pentágono no UAP.

“Consegui obter informações sobre esses e outros briefings relacionados ao UAP – bem como – slides não classificados e algumas das filmagens militares mais intrigantes do UAP que já vi”, postou.

De acordo com o The Sun, oficiais do Pentágono confirmaram que as fotos e vídeos foram capturados pelo pessoal da marinha. Eles não comentaram sobre a natureza da filmagem.

Mystery Wire afirma que eles confirmaram independentemente que todos os visuais estavam no briefing.

O curto vídeo, gravado no USS Russell, parece capturar três orbes acima de um navio de guerra, bem como um quarto objeto em forma de triângulo.

O cineasta também tinha três imagens que, segundo ele, eram de uma nave “esférica” não identificada.

Ele afirmou que as imagens foram tiradas pelo navio de combate USS Omaha.

“É notado que a nave ‘esférica’ era suspeita de ser um veículo transmédio e foi observada descendo na água sem destruição,” The Sun citou ele dizendo.

“Observa-se que a nave ‘esférica’ não foi encontrada ao entrar na água – e que um submarino foi usado na busca.”

Ele também recebeu um terceiro avistamento feito em 4 de março de 2019, supostamente por um piloto do FA-18 e um oficial de sistemas de armas.

“Estas são fotos e vídeos autênticos de encontros militares reais com OVNIs – gerados para educar oficiais de inteligência de alto nível dentro de nossas forças armadas sobre a natureza e a apresentação do fenômeno UAP / UFO”, disse Corbell.

O post Pentágono diz que OVNI triangular sobre navio de guerra da Marinha dos EUA é genuíno apareceu primeiro em Arquivo UFO.

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What makes this artifact noteworthy?Answer

What makes this artifact noteworthy?


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The Arctic Lighthouses Run By Nuclear Power

Starting in the 1930s the Soviet Union built a chain of remote lighthouses along its arctic coastline. This waterway, called the arctic route, was used by boats to travel from western Russia to its less-populated eastern territories. Because of their remoteness, and Soviet policies supporting nuclear energy, the lighthouses were powered by a type of nuclear battery. This meant the lighthouses were autonomous and did not require humans living in the remote and cold locations. New nuclear batteries were being placed along the arctic route up to 1990.

Then the Soviet Union fell. For about a decade the arctic route lighthouses were neglected. During this time, a number of nuclear batteries went missing, either getting lost to the sea, or scavenged by humans probably wanting to sell their metal for scrap. In 1996, the new Russian government started to properly and safely decommission the batteries. As of 2021, all the lighthouse nuclear batteries have officially been removed.

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12 abril 2021

Russian nobleman Georgy Gruzinsky faked his death in 1798 after he fell afoul of Tzar Paul I. He...

Russian nobleman Georgy Gruzinsky faked his death in 1798 after he fell afoul of Tzar Paul I. He even staged his own funeral by bribing local officials! Gruzinsky stayed out of sight until 1802 when Tzar Alexander took the throne,  and returned to government, even raising a militia to fight Napoleon during the invasion. Gruzinsky finally died (we think) at age 89 in 1852.

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com for quality psychology information and resources. 

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11 abril 2021

Fun Facts About Historic Legislative Buildings

  • Estonia’s Riigikogu meets in the historic Toompea Castle. While there have been buildings on this site since the earliest days of the Estonian republic in the 800s CE, the current building was built in one of the castle’s courtyards in 1922.
  • India’s Sansad Bhavan was originally opened in 1927 under the British for the Imperial Legislative Council – a four-member council that was India’s legislative body until 1950.
  • Taiwan may have the oldest legislative building in continuous use in Asia. Their Legislative Yuan Building was completed in 1919.
  • The Netherlands’ statehouse, the Binnenhof, was first begun in the early 1230s when it was a walled keep for a local count. The Binnenhof has been utilized for government purposes on and off since then.
  • The Maryland State House is the oldest United States state capitol building still in continuous legislative use. It was first use by the state legislature in 1772. That pre-dates the United States!
  • Tunisia’s Bardo Palace was first built sometime in the 1200s. Today it houses both the national legislature and (appropriately) the national museum.
  • Andorra’s legislative building has been in use since 1702 and still features a kitchen, from a time when the legislature was not allowed to leave the building till agreement was reached.
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Visit: https://www.all-about-psychology.com/sigmund-freud.html for Freud information and resources. Visit: https://www.all-about-psychology.com/carl_jung.html for Jung information and resources. #allaboutpsychology #sigmundfreud #carljung #psychology

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10 abril 2021

Cotard’s Delusion is a rare delusion where a person believe they are dead, don’t...

Cotard’s Delusion is a rare delusion where a person believe they are dead, don’t exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. The delusion was first described in 1880 by French neurologist Jules Cotard (who humbly named it “The Delirium of Negation”).

He described the case of “Mademoiselle X” who denied the existence of parts of her body and denied that she needed to eat. She said that she was condemned to eternal damnation, and therefore, could not die a natural death. As a result of her beliefs Mademoiselle X died of starvation.

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Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html to learn all about the history of psychology.

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09 abril 2021

Dense Network of Amazonian Villages Found with Laser Scanning

Laser scanning technology successfully peered through the Amazon rain forest’s thick canopy to reveal the footprint of a complex network of ancient villages in southeastern Brazil. Dwellings in these little-known settlements, which date to between 1300 and 1700 CE, were built atop raised mounds of earth arranged in a uniform circular pattern around a central plaza. Rather like clock faces according to researchers.

The scans also showed that the villages were connected via an organized system of roads. Most villages had two roads leading away to the north, and two leading away to the south. The roads also varied with some being smaller and sunken into the ground, others larger and protected on the sides by banks.

In total the archaeologists studied some 36 villages. The area appeared densely populated with some villages as little as 2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) apart.

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08 abril 2021

The Beer-Making Queen

The Sumerian king list contains a single woman as ruler, called Kubaba (or Kugbau). She is sometimes listed as her own dynasty and sometimes combined with the 4th Sumerian dynasty of Kish (a Sumerian city). Early on she was also worshipped as a goddess. Perhaps frustratingly, perhaps suggesting that her position as queen was relatively unremarkable to the ancient Sumericans and their descendants, there is little evidence for how Kubaba the ruler was viewed at the time. Nor why she continued to be put down on Sumerian king lists kept by various cities.

To make it worse, there are two very different tones and texts that comment upon Kubaba’s rule. In the first cuneiform record, which was a late text that gave the Sumerian king list then commented on the entries, it is mentioned how Kubaba became queen after being an alewife (or tavern keeper/beer brewer), and then it describes her efforts to properly reinstate the fish sacrifice in the sanctuary of Marduk (the city god of Babylon), for which she was appointed ruler. Basically very similar to the comments on other kings on the Sumerican king list. Kubaba is being presented as unexceptional./p>

In the second cuneiform text that mentions Kubaba, a small omen text, it extremely specifically talks about intersex miscarriages, and that the omen (named for “Kubaba, who once ruled”) is taken to mean “the ruin of the kingdom; a eunuch will rebel against the king.” Not so positive. All this helps explain why what we know about Kubaba is contadictory, uncertain, and very intriguing!

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The influence of phenomenology within psychology is most notable...

The influence of phenomenology within psychology is most notable within the humanistic approach espoused by Carl Rogers et al https://www.all-about-psychology.com/carl_rogers.html #allaboutpsychology #psychology #carlrogers

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07 abril 2021

The fossa is the largest carnivorous mammal on Madagascar. These...

The fossa is the largest carnivorous mammal on Madagascar. These animals look like a mix between a cat, dog, and a mongoose, and they can reach 6 feet in length. Fossa are an excellent example of the unique animal life that has developed on Madagascar due to its long isolation from other continents and its range of biomes.

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Visit: https://www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html to learn all about the fascinating history of psychology.

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06 abril 2021

Georgian men wearing traditional horse-riding gear at a...

Georgian men wearing traditional horse-riding gear at a community gathering. In the Georgia Governorate, Russian Empire, circa 1890

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Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/george-a-miller.html to read ‘The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information’ in full for free. 

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05 abril 2021

The Swiss Army was the last country to disband its bicycle infantry regiment, making it just into...

The Swiss Army was the last country to disband its bicycle infantry regiment, making it just into the 21st century to 2003.

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Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/abnormal-psychology.html to learn all about ‘abnormal psychology,’ including an important discussion on whether the term abnormal psychology should be used.

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04 abril 2021

Inside the Qorikancha (Temple of the Sun) in Cuzco, Peru

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/learn-psychology.html to access an outstanding free Introduction to Psychology course delivered by Professor Paul Bloom from Yale University.

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03 abril 2021

Corn is a New World crop that was unknown throughout the rest of the world until Columbus...

Corn is a New World crop that was unknown throughout the rest of the world until Columbus accidentally connected Europe with the Americas. But the native words for corn did not become universal: many cultures have names for corn that reference other nation.

In some African languages, the word for corn means “Egyptian grain”; in Egypt, corn is called “Syrian” or “Turkish grain”; in France, it is “Indian wheat”; and in India, corn is referred to as “wheat from Mecca.”

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/social-psychology.html for quality social psychology information and resources.

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02 abril 2021

The Great Kurultáj

This is a yearly event for descendants of Central Asian nomadic peoples in August. The name itself means “meeting of the tribes.” The event began in 2007, after genetic evidence confirmed the shared heritage of Hungarians with a Kazakh tribe; the event was intended to strengthen cultural ties across Eurasian Steppe descendants.

The Kurultáj evolved quickly into a yearly event with a yurt village, parade of horsemen, horse races, traditional horsemen wrestling, and various tournaments. Unsurprisingly, it is a popular event for horse enthusiasts and especially professional horseriders.

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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/educational-psychology.html for quality educational psychology information and resources. 

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01 abril 2021

What is this numeral system?Answer

What is this numeral system?


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Math and Turtles

This shape was originally theorized by mathematicians in the 1990s but was not proven until 2006. Some turtles have evolved shapes similar to gömböcs! This allows them to flip over no matter how they land, and using little energy – just gravity.

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