12 setembro 2015



Via: http://ift.tt/1eWNk1f

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Good Posture Helps Your Spine


Good Posture Helps Your Spine

When life gives you acid, make lemonade, please don’t drink the acid, we made a terrible mistake.

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ISS Double Transit

Not once, but twice the International Space Station transits the Sun on consecutive orbits of planet Earth in this video frame composite. The scene was captured on August 22 from a single well-chosen location in Schmalenbeck, Germany where the ISS created intersecting shadow paths only around 7 kilometers wide. Crossing the solar disk in a second or less, the transits themselves were separated in time by about 90 minutes, corresponding to the space station's orbital period. While the large, flare-producing sunspot group below center, AR 2043, remained a comfortable 150 million kilometers away, the distance between camera and orbiting station was 656 kilometers for its first (upper) transit and 915 kilometers for the second more central transit. In sharp silhouette the ISS is noticeably larger in angular size during the closer, first pass. Of course, tomorrow the Moon will transit the Sun. But even at well-chosen locations, its dark, central shadow just misses the Earth's surface creating a partial solar eclipse.

from NASA http://ift.tt/1ggI2oH
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The Most Famous Viking Battle In History

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9 images of dione, photographed by cassini, 8th september...

9 images of dione, photographed by cassini, 8th september 2015.

from cassini’s last dione encounter. the crater with the distinctive long central peak is aeneas; the larger crater with the complex interior is evander.

sequence | ali/gn/ed | aligned.

image credit: nasa/jpl/ssi. animation: ageofdestruction.

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Tropas dos EUA teriam encontrado Pé Grande no Vietnã


Um número significativo de soldados relataram encontros com uma criatura simiesca nas selvas do Vietnã.

Histórias de grandes hominídeos peludos surgiram em muitas partes do mundo – mais notavelmente na Rússia, América do Norte, Austrália e do Himalaia.

Uma das menos conhecidas lendas vem de Vietnam – em especial, da época da Guerra do Vietnã da década de 1950 à década de 1970.

Conhecido pelos moradores como “Nguoi Rung” ou “o povo da floresta”, esta criatura parecida com o Pé Grande teria sido encontrada em numerosas ocasiões por recrutas dos EUA nas selvas do Vietnã.

Um incidente foi relatado por Gary Linderer que, durante uma patrulha de seis homens na divisão 101st Airborne, se deparou com uma criatura que ele descreveu como tendo “1,5 metros de altura com longos braços musculosos”.

Em outro caso, o sargento do exército Thomas Jenkins informou que seu pelotão foi atacado por um grupo de criaturas parecidas com macacos não identificados atirando pedras.

Até mesmo os Vietcongs relataram encontros com bichos cobertos de cabelo castanho-avermelhado.

Depois da guerra uma série de notáveis ??cientistas viajaram para as selvas remotas do Vietnã, em um esforço para rastrear a criatura que os soldados tinham visto.

O ornitólogo Dr. Vo Quy e o cientista vietnamita Tran Hong Viet disseram ter descoberto pegadas que não pareciam corresponder a quaisquer espécies conhecidas de primatas.

Já o zoologista John MacKinnon, afirma ter encontrado evidências de uma criatura similar nas selvas de Bornéu, descrevendo a área como um “cantinho do mundo desconhecido para a ciência moderna.”

Até à data, no entanto, nenhuma nova espécie de macaco foi encontrado.

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The Nine Songs are lyrical, shamanistic incantations dedicated...

The Nine Songs are lyrical, shamanistic incantations dedicated to nine classes of deities worshipped by the Chu people of south China during the first millennium BCE. The original text consists of eleven songs, ten of which are transcribed and illustrated in this manuscript. Since the calligraphy is not a match for the best calligraphy of Zhao Mengfu (1254–1322) it is likely a faithfully transcribed copy of his famous rendition of the ten songs.

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infrausa: The @Surgeon_General is on board with #walkable...


The @Surgeon_General is on board with #walkable communities & he’s urging for more with this call to action:

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Promoting Walking and Walkable Communities: A Strategy to Improve Health…

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FREE ON KINDLE TODAY! (12th September)


http://ift.tt/1XWDvKd (UK)

To have schizoaffective disorder a patient has to be diagnosed with all the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder simultaneously.

This memoir is a recollection of powerful recovery based information from the author’s experiences with facing and overcoming schizoaffective disorder. Steve Colori has published seven articles with Oxford Medical Journals on Schizoaffective disorder and five of these are within this text.

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genedoucette: historical-nonfiction: In 1998, workers restoring Benjamin Franklin’s home uncovered...



In 1998, workers restoring Benjamin Franklin’s home uncovered the remains of 10 people; researchers suspect that a house-guest of Franklin smuggled in dead bodies to use for anatomical research and buried them in the basement

I think you’re really overlooking the wondrous possibilities of Ben Franklin: Serial Killer

Don’t get me wrong, that’s pretty cool. But here’s another one: Benjamin Franklin as a secret anatomist, forbidden from finding the truth about nature by the morality of his time. Secretly finding bodies so he could study in his basement at night, with help from his enthusiastic nerdy friends. Discovering amazing things about the way we are constructed, but unable to share his discoveries with anyone. Misunderstood scientist Benjamin Franklin.

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The megalithic passage tomb called the Mound of the Hostages...

The megalithic passage tomb called the Mound of the Hostages (Duma na nGiall) is the oldest monument on the Hill of Tara, Ireland, dating back to between 2500 BCE and 3000 BCE. The mound splits into three passageways, each of which contain cremated remains. In fact, evidence of over 200 separate bodies have been found. The second image, the stone with a relief carved into it, is the doorway and protected the dead entombed there.

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September 12th 1974: Haile Selassie deposedOn this day in 1974,...

Haile Selassie (1892 - 1975)

Haile Selassie is greeted by Rastafarians in Jamaica, 1966

September 12th 1974: Haile Selassie deposed

On this day in 1974, the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, was deposed from power after a forty-four year reign. Born as Lij Tafari Makonnen in Ejersa Gora in 1892, his family boasted a lineage going back to King Solomon and family ties to Emperor Menelik II, under whose care the young Tafari was taken when he was fourteen years old. He demonstrated an aptitude for politics in roles as a provincial governor, which established his reputation as a progressive reformer. In 1916, Tafari removed Menelik’s unpopular successor from power, and became regent for Menelik’s daughter, the new empress. Tafari was a popular figure in Ethiopia, symbolising the reformist hopes of young Ethiopians with his modernising outlook. He was keen for Ethiopia to work with Western powers, and in 1923 secured Ethiopia’s admission into the League of Nations. In 1928, Tafari had himself appointed king, and, after the death of the empress in 1930, was crowned Ethiopia’s 225th emperor, taking the imperial title of Haile Selassie (meaning ‘Might of the Trinity’). As emperor, Haile Selassie enacted a series of reforms improving Ethiopia’s schools and police force, abolishing slavery, and introducing a new constitution guaranteeing equal rights. However, all the while he continued to centralise his own power and sideline Parliament, creating an autocratic government criticised by human rights groups for its inhumane treatment of political prisoners. During World War Two, the emperor was responsible for securing British aid in ousting Mussolini’s Italian forces from Ethiopia. Despite a degree of popularity, boosted when he secured Ethiopia a spot in the United Nations, by the 1970s famine, unemployment, and a host of other issues fostered discontent with Haile Selassie’s autocratic rule. Ethiopia’s final emperor was ultimately ousted in a military coup in September 1974, which erupted out of a pay dispute, and led to the establishment of a Marxist military government. Haile Selassie was kept under house arrest until his death a year later aged eighty-three, either of natural causes or at the hands of agents of the new government. Haile Selassie remains an important figure today for his role in making Ethiopia a player on the world stage, and because he is the messiah of the Rastafarian movement.

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npr: The treatment is called Fav-Afrique. It’s the only...


The treatment is called Fav-Afrique. It’s the only anti-venom approved to neutralize the bites of 10 deadly African snakes, like spitting cobras, carpet vipers and black mambas. And the world’s stockpiles of it are dwindling, Doctors Without Borders said Tuesday. The last batch expires next June.

“I think this is really a health crisis,” says Dr. Gabriel Alcoba, the snakebite medical adviser for Doctors Without Borders. “We’re talking about more than 30,000 deaths per year. This is an epidemic. This is comparable to many other diseases.”

The World Is Running Out Of A Critical Snakebite Antidote

Photo: Balint Porneczi/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Caption: Black mambas are one of the fastest snakes in the world and grow up to 14 feet long. But their venom is no match for the antidote Fav-Afrique.

The World Health Organization cites “a recent study estimates that at least 421,000 envenomings and 20,000 deaths occur worldwide from snakebite each year, but warns that these figures may be as high as 1,841,000 envenomings and 94,000 deaths. The highest burden of snakebites is in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa.


Envenoming following snakebite, is largely a neglected threat to public health. It affects mainly the poor in deprived rural areas where health facilities and are limited and anti-venoms may be hard to obtain. Training of health staff in the management of envenoming is often neglected, despite good evidence that it improves outcome. Concerted action is needed to ensure supplies of effective antivenoms and to develop systems that deliver good quality health care to snake bite victims so that we can deal effectively with this problem, which causes severe disability, brings misery to families and which kills thousands of people.

(Source: WHO-Neglected Tropical Diseases - Snakebite)

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Oração para medo de dormir

A oração para medo de dormir é a oração feita por aqueles que por algum motivo sentem medo da hora de dormir, fazendo assim com que suas noites sejam longas e cheias de medo e insegurança.

A muitos motivos que fazem com que a pessoa tenha medo da hora de dormir, entre eles

podemos citar principalmente os pesadelos, mais há pessoas que sofrem de insônia e por causa disso quando vai chegando a noite, ela já começa a ficar ansiosa em pensar que não vai conseguir dormir e isso vai gerando medo de ir para a cama. porém seja qual for o motivo que faz com que você tenha medo de dormir, isso tem que acabar e suas noites de sono tem que ser tranquilas e em paz.
Em sua palavra o Senhor nos fala que o medo é uma porta aberta para que outros medos e receios venham sobre nossa mente e corpo e que o medo não é de Deus, ele não nos deu esse tipo de sentimento, muito pelo contrario, fomos revestidos de autoridade e poder no santo nome de Jesus. O Senhor também declara em sua palavra que em paz devemos nos deitar e em logo dormimos,porque ele nos faz habitar em segurança em todo o tempo. Faça a oração para medo de dormir, antes de se deitar e ore a Deus para que sua noite seja em paz.
Veja como você pode estar fazendo a oração para medo de dormir:

Meu Deus eu me coloco diante do Senhor neste momento para colocar a minha noite de sono em tuas mãos. Senhor estou tendo medo de ir dormir e o Senhor conhece meu coração e sabe os motivos que fazem com que eu sinta esse medo, mais eu não aceito esse sentimento dentro de mim, porque não foi esse o sentimento que o Senhor me deu, pelo contrario, a mim foi dado espirito de força, de coragem e determinação e por isso eu levanto a minha voz neste momento contra todo mal e digo: PESADELOS, MAUS PENSAMENTOS E PERTURBAÇÕES QUE ME ATRAPALHAM DE DORMIR A NOITE, SAIAM AGORA DA MINHA VIDA, DA MINHA MENTE EM NOME DE JESUS! INSÔNIA, ANSIEDADE, MEDO, TRISTEZAS E FRUSTRAÇÕES SEJAM REPREENDIDAS DA MINHA VIDA E SEJAM QUEBRADAS E DESFEITOS TODO E QUALQUER MAL QUE ESTEJA SOBRE A MINHA NOITE DE SONO! Eu determino que na vida, na minha noite de sono haja paz, tranquilidade e segurança, porque em paz me deito e logo pego no sono, porque o Senhor é comigo e me faz habitar em segurança. ¨Se o Senhor é comigo, ninguém será contra mim ¨, eu determino benção sobre a minha vida e sobre o meu sono em nome de Jesus Cristo. Amém.

via @notiun

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