29 junho 2015
realmonstrosities: The Rainbow Nudibranch (Dendronotus iris) is...
The Rainbow Nudibranch (Dendronotus iris) is a terrifying beast of hellish fire and infernal flame that resides on the western coast of North America.
There are red ones, orange ones, pink, purple and white ones, and I guess that’s why they’re called Rainbow Nudibranches. But they all look like they’re on fire!
The flames are really branching cerata that allow this large sea slug to absorb all the oxygen it needs. The very biggest individuals can reach as much as a foot long, but they’re usually about a third of that.
Rainbow Nudibranches feed on the tentacles of tube anemones, which are a bunch of creatures that look like sea anemones but live in a tube.
The Rainbow Nudibranch pounces on them and won’t let go until they’ve bitten off some tentacles, even if they get dragged halfway down the tube!
…Images: Ed Bierman/Patrick Webster
today & today & today: earth, photographed by terra...
today & today & today: earth, photographed by terra & aqua, 29th june 2015.
“do the clouds look different now you’ve seen them from above?”
07:30 utc: southern indian ocean.
11:00 utc: arctic ocean northeast of novaya zemlya.
19:00 utc: tierra del fuego.
19:10 utc: south pacific off chile.
image credit: nasa/modis.
Conheça uma simpatia para afastar pessoas indesejadas da sua vida
Um colega de trabalho, uma amigo, parente… vivemos rodeadas de pessoas e precisamos aprender a conviver com as diferenças para evitar conflitos e vivermos em harmonia. Mas então, o que fazer com quem só atrapalha? Que faz fofocas, deseja o nosso mal, causa intrigas… essa é dispensável em nossa vida e para isso, podemos fazer rituais que vão afastá-las de nós. Isso não quer dizer que vamos eliminá-la de nossa rotina, mas que ela vai se distanciar e interferir menos, ou até mesmo se mudar, dependendo da situação. Por isso, vamos te ensinar uma simpatia para afastar pessoas indesejadas.
O Pai Hélio, que faz atendimentos no Astrocentro, passou uma simpatia simples e infalível para esse caso.
Simpatia para afastar pessoas indesejadas
1 Uma folha de pata de vaca (Folha parecida com a pegada de uma vaca)
1 pedaço de papel
1 caneta
1 recipiente pequeno
Como fazer:
Escreva o nome da pessoa que você quer que se afaste de você no papel.
Pegue a folha da pata de vaca e queime junto com o papel.
Separe a cinza em um pequeno recipiente, faça virar um pó, amassando bem.
Coloque este pó nas roupas ou nos sapatos da pessoa indesejada e em pouco tempo ela vai deixá-la em paz.
Esta simpatia possui poucos elementos, mas é muito poderosa por causa deles. A folha de pata de vaca é uma folha do orixa Ogun, que é dono dos caminhos e da estrada. O pó que é feito nessa simpatia para afastar pessoas indesejadas coloca sua rival de volta em seu rumo, por isso é tão eficiente.
O Pai Hélio explica: "Quando se sabe o sentido daquilo que se está fazendo, mesmo para uma pequena simpatia, os resultados realmente podem ser alcançados".
O mais importante na hora de fazer essa simpatia para afastar pessoas indesejadas é ter fé e visualizá-la saindo da sua vida. Pense em tudo o que ela causa para você e como é importante que ela se distancie. Em pouco tempo você terá a sua paz de volta.
Aproveite e leia também:
- Faça já a simpatia para atrair clientes
- Aprenda a simpatia para perder o medo de dirigir
- Está grávida? Que tal experimentar a simpatia para saber o sexo do bebê?
- Entenda tudo sobre sexo na gravidez
Descubra quem é o seu anjo da guarda
Everyone’s favorite time for ice cream and big-budget action movies: summer! Here’s a...
Everyone’s favorite time for ice cream and big-budget action movies: summer! Here’s a few facts about this particular season:
- “Summer” is from the Proto-Indo-European root *sam-, meaning summer. The root *sam is a variant from the Proto-Indo-European root *sem-, which means “together/one.”
- The “dog days of summer” refer to the weeks between July 3 and August 11 and are named after the Dog Star (Sirius) in the Canis Major constellation
- In southern England, over 37,000 people gather at Stonehenge to see the summer solstice.
- The month of June was named after either Juniores, the lower branch of the Roman Senate, or Juno, the wife of Jupiter
- Historically, epidemics tended to be in the summer. Even today infectious diseases are more readily caught in the heat, including the Bubonic Plague and leprosy
anomalous-one: arocoun: nowyoukno: Source for more facts...
The top 10 causes of deathThe 10 leading causes of death in...
The 10 leading causes of death in the world, 2000 and 2012
Q: What are the main differences between rich and poor countries with respect to causes of death?
In high-income countries, 7 in every 10 deaths are among people aged 70 years and older. People predominantly die of chronic diseases: cardiovascular diseases, cancers, dementia, chronic obstructive lung disease or diabetes. Lower respiratory infections remain the only leading infectious cause of death. Only 1 in every 100 deaths is among children under 15 years.
In low-income countries, nearly 4 in every 10 deaths are among children under 15 years, and only 2 in every 10 deaths are among people aged 70 years and older. People predominantly die of infectious diseases: lower respiratory infections, HIV/AIDS, diarrhoeal diseases, malaria and tuberculosis collectively account for almost one third of all deaths in these countries. Complications of childbirth due to prematurity, and birth asphyxia and birth trauma are among the leading causes of death, claiming the lives of many newborns and infants.
Q: How has the situation changed in the past decade?
Ischaemic heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory infections and chronic obstructive lung disease have remained the top major killers during the past decade.
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) were responsible for 68% (38 million) of all deaths globally in 2012, up from 60% (31 million) in 2000. Cardiovascular diseases alone killed 2.6 million more people in 2012 than in the year 2000.
HIV deaths decreased slightly from 1.7 million (3.2%) deaths in 2000 to 1.5 million (2.7%) deaths in 2012. Diarrhoea is no longer among the 5 leading causes of death, but is still among the top 10, killing 1.5 million people in 2012.
Tuberculosis, while no longer among the 10 leading causes of death in 2012, was still among the 15 leading causes, killing over 900 000 people in 2012.
Maternal deaths have dropped from 427 000 in the year 2000 to 289 000 in 2013, but are still unacceptably high: nearly 800 women die due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth every day.
Injuries continue to kill 5 million people each year. Road traffic injuries claimed nearly 3500 lives each day in 2012 – more than 600 more than in the year 2000 – making it among the 10 leading causes in 2012.
Spirals in the D Ring
salon: New recommendations released earlier this year by the...
New recommendations released earlier this year by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), an independent group of doctors and nutritionists, say we should cut down on meat for the sake of our health and the environment. In response, congressional Republicans are throwing a temper tantrum. But because “you can’t make us eat more fruits and vegetables” sounds kind of petulant, they’re pretending their objections are all about the science.
officialmaribelle: This is the money cat, reblog in the next 24...
King Herod probably did not massacre all the boys under two in Bethlehem. While Herod was a pretty...
globalpost: Fossil fuels get a lot more global subsidies than...
Fossil fuels get a lot more global subsidies than public health does. Here’s how much, in 4 charts
The International Monetary Fund says the numbers are “shocking.” There’s a pretty good chance you’ll agree.
The world’s governments are going to hand fossil fuel companies a $5.3 trillion “subsidy” this year, which is way more than their combined spending on health care, IMF experts reported this week.
GlobalPost broke down some of the new IMF estimates, along with a few numbers from the World Health Organization, into a series of charts to put this shocker into perspective.