07 outubro 2020
New DNA Analysis of Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with sub-Saharan Africans. A recent study looked at the genomes of ancient Egyptians from the New Kingdom through the Roman era, and found their DNA was most closely related to Near East. Modern Egyptians are more related to sub-Saharan Africans than their ancient counterparts: the ancient samples were 6 to 15%, modern samples 14 to 21%. This suggests population movements post-Roman era.
One particularly well-preserved DNA sample was even tested for physical characteristics, and suggested a lighter skin pigmentation, dark-colored eyes, and lactose intolerance.
Grappling With the Future
Visit: http://www.all-about-psychology.com/abnormal-psychology.html to learn all about ‘abnormal psychology,’ including an important discussion on whether the term abnormal psychology is actually fit for purpose. #psychology