13 janeiro 2018

The Summer That India and Pakistan Terrified The World

India tested its first bomb in 1974. Pakistan tested their first in 1998, trying to catch up to their rival. And it was not long before Pakistan was threatening to use it. In May of 1999, the two nations were in the middle of a border war. The Pakistani army crossed into Indian-controlled Kashmir, and got ready its nuclear weapons, with official pronouncements like “[Pakistan will] not hesitate to use any weapond in its arsenal to protect its territorial integrity.” The world was very afraid that India and Pakistan would start a war that, for the first time, would involve nuclear weapons being actively used.

But there was more, and it was even more terrifying. When US President Bill Clinton attempted to mediate the crisis he found out that the Pakistani prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, did not know that his country’s nuclear arsenal had been deployed! Sharif ordered the Pakistani ary to withdraw in July of 1999. The threat of a nuclear war was no longer immediate.

After the crisis, it came out that the decision to deploy the nuclear arsenal may have been taken unilaterally by the head of the Army Staff, Pervez Musharraf, without informing his government. And though India and Pakistan’s longstanding hatred has not heated up to that level since – but nuclear weapons are now on the table, and given what has happened in the past, it is enough to make anyone uneasy about what could happen in the future.

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Entradas de supostos túneis na superfície da Lua

As aberturas, que foram encontradas perto do pólo norte da Lua, podem levar a uma extensa rede de túneis.

Descoberto por pesquisadores que trabalham com o Instituto SETI e o Instituto Marte, os buracos foram vistos em fotografias tiradas pelo Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter da NASA.

Pesquisadores afirmaram que essas aberturas poderiam conduzir a uma rede de antigos tubos de lava que levavam fluxos de rocha fundida para fora da Lua no passado.

Ainda não está claro exatamente como os orifícios são profundos ou a extensão das redes de túneis.

“As imagens de resolução mais alta disponíveis para Philolaus Crater não permitem que os poços sejam identificados como clarabóias de tubo de lava com 100 por cento de certeza, mas estamos olhando bons candidatos considerando simultaneamente seu tamanho, forma, condições de iluminação e configuração geológica”, disse o cientista Pascal Lee.

Se os buracos realmente conduzem a túneis, essas cavernas subterrâneas seriam um lugar ideal para os futuros exploradores humanos se abrigarem, criar uma base e recursos de mina.

O que encontramos lá também pode nos ensinar muito sobre a própria Lua e como ela veio a se formar.

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Want To Impress A Lover? Pig Testicles Will Do The Trick!

Boiled catnip and dried ground pig testicles mixed with wine were among the recipes recommended to fix male infertility during the Medieval Period, an academic in England has discovered. Based on English and Latin texts from the period, the new research also shows that women were not always blamed for infertility, as has previously been thought.

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VISIT –> http://ift.tt/2hNhkdl to visit the biological psychology section of the All About Psychology website which includes free full-text access to all of the articles published to date in the journal ‘Neural plasticity.’

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