14 setembro 2017

100 Steps Forward

A beautiful conjunction of Venus and Moon, human, sand, and Milky Way is depicted in this night skyscape from planet Earth. The scene is a panorama of 6 photos taken in a moment near the end of a journey. In the foreground, footsteps along the wind-rippled dunes are close to the Huacachina oasis in the southwestern desert of Peru. An engaging perspective on the world at night, the stunning final image was also chosen as a winner in The World at Night's 2017 International Earth and Sky Photo Contest.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2wYuhaU
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Since There's Been So Many Hurricanes Lately...

Anyone know the first person to name hurricanes?


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Take That, Anti-Semites

In 1916, in the middle of World War I, the German military conducted the Judenzählun: a census of German Jews. It was intended to confirm accusations of lack of patriotism among German Jews. But the census not only disproved the anti-Semitic rumors, it crushed them. Not only were German Jews enlisting in the army, a higher percentage of German Jews fought than of any other ethnic, religious or political group in Germany.

The results of the census were not made public at the time.

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Orion Parachutes Measure Up in High Pressure Test

Orion’s three main orange and white parachutes help a representative model of the spacecraft descend through sky above Arizona, where NASA engineers tested the parachute system on Sept. 13, 2017, at the U.S. Army Proving Ground in Yuma. NASA is qualifying Orion’s parachutes for missions with astronauts.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2xBoGYR
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Criatura estranha aparece em praia do Texas após furacão

Uma criatura estranha sem olhos apareceu em uma praia do Texas após a passagem do furacão Harvey pela região.

A carcaça do animal desconhecido foi encontrado apodrecendo em uma praia na cidade do Texas após o furioso furacão que assolou o sul dos EUA.

Os restos foram avistados pelo grupo de conservação da Sociedade Nacional Audubon, que publicou o “monstro” nas mídias sociais.

A espécie da criatura ainda não foi identificada, embora muitos especialistas acreditem que seja uma serpente-enguia de fangtooth.

“Estávamos em uma praia na Cidade do Texas e vimos isso de longe, então me aproximei de descobrir o que era”, disse Preeti Desai, gerente de mídia social da National Audubon Society.

“Eu tenho um grande interesse em vida selvagem, especialmente pássaros e criaturas oceânicas, mas foi inesperado vê-lo lá na praia”.

“À primeira vista, parecia algo do mar profundo para mim”.

“O meu pensamento inicial foi que poderia ser uma lampreia do mar, mas quando cheguei perto, percebi que não havia nada que pudesse identificar”.

Depois de não conseguir identificar o peixe, Preeti publicou as imagens no Twitter pedindo ajuda.

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The oldest horse on record was “Old Billy.” A British barge horse, Billy was born in 1760 and died...

The oldest horse on record was “Old Billy.” A British barge horse, Billy was born in 1760 and died in 1822 – at the ripe old age of 62 years. Most horses live to around 25 years.

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Laundry Tip

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