16 junho 2017
Saturn near Opposition
Saturn reached its 2017 opposition on June 16. Of course, opposition means opposite the Sun in Earth's sky and near opposition Saturn is up all night, at its closest and brightest for the year. This remarkably sharp image of the ringed planet was taken only days before, on June 11, with a 1-meter telescope from the mountain top Pic du Midi observatory. North is at the top with the giant planet's north polar storm and curious hexagon clearly seen bathed in sunlight. But Saturn's spectacular ring system is also shown in stunning detail. The narrow Encke division is visible around the entire outer A ring, small ringlets can be traced within the fainter inner C ring, and Saturn's southern hemisphere can be glimpsed through the wider Cassini division. Near opposition Saturn's rings also appear exceptionally bright, known as the opposition surge or Seeliger Effect. Directly illuminated from Earth's perspective, the ring's icy particles cast no shadows and strongly backscatter sunlight creating the dramatic increase in brightness. Still, the best views of the ringed planet are currently from the Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft. Diving close, Cassini's Grand Finale orbit number 9 is in progress.
from NASA http://ift.tt/2rmLBAm
gelana78: historical-nonfiction: Divided into four large...
Divided into four large sites across Senegal and Gambia, the Senegambian Stone Circles cover an area of approximately 18,500 square miles (30,000 square kilometers). Constructed somewhere between 300 B.C.E and 1600 C.E., the circles consist of approximately 29’000 stones, 17,000 monuments and 2,000 individual sites. That’s a lot! The stones are, on average, 6.5 feet tall (2 meters) and weight 7 tons. They were hewn out of a common rock, laterite, but would have required intricate knowledge of geology, especially since the stones weren’t carved in pieces but rather, like obelisks, hewn out of the rock in solid pieces and dragged to their final locations.
More is known about the stones than the people who built them. Since constructing the circles would have required organization, surplus food, and and construction know-how, it is believed the society which built the Senegambian Stone Circles was prosperous and organized. The site in Sine Ngayene is the largest of the four, and several iron smelting sites and quarries were discovered close by. Evidence of hundreds of homes was also found nearby, and layers of materials that indicate four nearly distinct cycles of use.
How have I never heard of this before?!
Imperialism and racism, probably.
What is this, and why is it important?Hint: it can be found on...
Divided into four large sites across Senegal and Gambia, the...
Divided into four large sites across Senegal and Gambia, the Senegambian Stone Circles cover an area of approximately 18,500 square miles (30,000 square kilometers). Constructed somewhere between 300 B.C.E and 1600 C.E., the circles consist of approximately 29’000 stones, 17,000 monuments and 2,000 individual sites. That’s a lot! The stones are, on average, 6.5 feet tall (2 meters) and weight 7 tons. They were hewn out of a common rock, laterite, but would have required intricate knowledge of geology, especially since the stones weren’t carved in pieces but rather, like obelisks, hewn out of the rock in solid pieces and dragged to their final locations.
More is known about the stones than the people who built them. Since constructing the circles would have required organization, surplus food, and and construction know-how, it is believed the society which built the Senegambian Stone Circles was prosperous and organized. The site in Sine Ngayene is the largest of the four, and several iron smelting sites and quarries were discovered close by. Evidence of hundreds of homes was also found nearby, and layers of materials that indicate four nearly distinct cycles of use.
Elon Musk revela sua visão para cidade em Marte
O CEO do SpaceX tem trabalhado para ver a humanidade se tornar uma espécie interplanetária.
Os planos de Musk de enviar seres humanos a Marte já estão no pipeline há algum tempo.
Com uma missão robótica programada para 2024 e a primeira missão tripulada que acontecerá logo depois, existe a chance de que SpaceX possa mesmo conseguir vencer o cronograma da NASA.
Mas o que acontece depois disso? De acordo com Musk, o plano será encontrar uma cidade marciana que permita a humanidade escapar dos confins da Terra pela primeira vez.
“Seria bastante divertido estar em Marte porque você teria gravidade de cerca de 37% da Terra, então você seria capaz de levantar coisas pesadas”, disse ele.
“Além disso, o dia é notavelmente próximo da Terra. Precisamos mudar as populações, porque atualmente temos sete bilhões de pessoas na Terra e nenhuma em Marte”.
Na verdade, a construção de tal ideia, no entanto, seria um desafio importante, não só em termos de tecnologias necessárias, mas também devido ao problema do custo.
“Você não pode criar uma civilização auto-sustentável se o preço do ingresso for de US$ 10 bilhões por pessoa”, afirmou.
O CEO do SpaceX ainda tem planos que vão além de Marte e para o sistema solar.
“Ao estabelecer um depósito de propulsores, em Encélado ou Europa, e depois estabelecendo outro no Titã, a lua de Saturno e, em seguida, talvez outro mais adiante em Plutão ou em outro lugar no sistema solar, este sistema vai dar a liberdade de ir a qualquer lugar”, disse ele.
Pegadas de Pé Grande fotografadas em parques do Texas
As autoridades do Departamento de Parques e Recreação de Round Rock publicaram algumas imagens intrigantes.
A probabilidade de que uma criatura grande e bípede parecida com um macaco esteja nas florestas da América do Norte são relativamente pequenas, mas isso não tem impedido os milhares de avistamentos, vídeos e fotografias que surgem na internet todos os anos por aqueles que acreditam na criatura.
Agora, uma onda várias imagens de supostas impressões de pegadas de Pé Grande foram recentemente postadas no Facebook.
“Nossa vigilância capturou estranhas pegadas em vários parques e trilhas na área”, diz um dos funcionários. “Se você encontrar algum destes, ou outros fenômenos inexplicados, alerte o Departamento de Recreação”.
As pegadas certamente parecem grandes e incomuns, mas, infelizmente, sem evidências além dessas fotografias, tudo o que podemos fazer é especular sobre o tipo de animal que pode ter criado.
The English words "merry", “pretzel”, and “bra” all come from...
The English words "merry", “pretzel”, and “bra” all come from the same word, the Proto-Indo-European “mregh”, which meant “short”.
Jupiter’s Clouds of Many Colors
NASA’s Juno spacecraft was racing away from Jupiter following its seventh close pass of the planet when JunoCam snapped this image on May 19, 2017, from about 29,100 miles (46,900 kilometers) above the cloud tops.
from NASA http://ift.tt/2s9872E
VISIT –>...
VISIT –> http://ift.tt/2rnGvnE for information and resources relating to the question what is psychology?