- Charles Darwin. A common misconception is that Darwin claimed homo sapiens are descended from apes. Rather, he thought apes, homo sapiens, and monkeys are descended from a common ancestor which no longer exists.
27 março 2017
"Man is descended from a hairy, tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in its habits."
- Charles Darwin. A common misconception is that Darwin claimed homo sapiens are descended from apes. Rather, he thought apes, homo sapiens, and monkeys are descended from a common ancestor which no longer exists.
March 27th 1958: Khrushchev becomes Soviet PremierOn this day...
March 27th 1958: Khrushchev becomes Soviet Premier
On this day in 1958, Nikita Khrushchev became head of the government of the Soviet Union. Khrushchev served as Premier of the world’s first Communist state from 1958 to 1964. He, along with Lenin and Stalin, are the only Premiers to also have been party leader simultaneously. Under Khrushchev, Russia was partially de-Stalinised, which was a core policy of the Premier who vociferously denounced his predecessor’s dangerous ‘cult of personality’. However, the accession of Khrushchev did not ease the tensions of the Cold War, and during his tenure Russia escalated its space program to compete with the United States in the ‘Space Race’. Russia had successfully launched the first satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957, but now sought to put a man in space, which they did in 1961. It was also under Khrushchev that the Cold War came the closest to breaking out into fully fledged war, with the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963. Khrushchev was deposed by party colleagues in 1964 and replaced by Leonid Brezhnev as First Secretary of the Communist Party and by Alexei Kosygin as Premier.
March 26th 1830: The Book of Mormon publishedOn this day in...
March 26th 1830: The Book of Mormon published
On this day in 1830, the Book of Mormon was first published at E.B Grandin’s New York bookstore. The founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith Jr, claimed that he had been visited by an angel called Moroni who told him of ancient writings on golden plates which described people God led to the Western hemisphere before the birth of Jesus. These plates were supposedly found by Smith buried by a tree near his home. Smith said he was told by Moroni to translate the plates into English and publish them. Smith initially struggled to find someone to publish the book as many considered it fraudulent and blasphemous. Smith and his friend Martin Harris began work on translating the Book of Mormon, with Smith dictating by either reading directly or using seer stones placed in a top hat. It took eight men and boys working 12 hours a day, six days a week, for almost eight months to print the initial 5,000 copies, which went on sale in March 1830. The building in New York where the Book of Mormon was first published and sold is now the Book of Mormon Historic Publication Site.
According to tradition, Caesar decided to move into Italy with...
According to tradition, Caesar decided to move into Italy with his battle-hardened veterans of Gaul, by crossing the Rubicon River. Bringing troops into Italy was a treason in ancient Rome. It made you an outlaw who anyone could kill. But Caesar was facing political catastrophe, if he disbanded his men, and Caesar’s enemies were waiting for a defenseless Caesar to return to the city of Rome. The fateful day was January 10th. Caesar gathered his men by the Rubicon, little more than a shallow stream. But at the water’s edge he hesitated.
Legend (and the Roman historian Suetonius writing decades later) says the gods then intervened. Suddenly there appeared “a being of wondrous stature and beauty, who sat and played upon a reed.” When some soldiers, understandably confused, stepped towards the apparition he grabbed one of their trumpets, “rushed to the river, and sounding the war-note with a mighty blast, strode to the opposite bank.” Caesar was not slow in responding. “Let us go where the omens of the gods and the crimes of our enemies call us!” he shouted to his men. “The die is cast!”
Dark Spot and Jovian ‘Galaxy’
Simpatia poderosa de Santo Expedito para melhorar a sua condição financeira
Esta não é diferente.
Tenta esta simpatia mas bote fé.
Você pode realizar esta simpatia a qualquer momento, Apesar de ser bem simples de ser feita é bastante poderosa.
Você vai precisar de:
Você deve fazer o seguinte:
No primeiro dia da simpatia, você vai pegar um papel em branco virgem e escrever o seu nome completo. Coloque esse papel embaixo de um pires nunca usado.
Em cima deste pires você vai acender uma vela branca.
Pegue uma segunda vela branca e ainda apagada passe ela pelo seu corpo, e vá visualizando a vela absorvendo toda a energia negativa que está atrapalhando o crescimento da sua vida nesse momento de dificuldade.
Depois de passá-la pelo seu corpo, você deverá quebrá-la em vários pedaços, tantos quanto você conseguir. Eles não irao se soltar pois estão ligados pelo pavio.
Agora bote esta vela quebrada deitada no outro pires e acenda-a.
Enquanto as duas velas estão queimando, você deverá rezar 7 vezes seguidas a Oração de Santo Expedito:
“Meu Santo Expedito das Causas Justas e Urgentes, Socorrei- me nesta Hora de Aflição e Desespero, intercedei por mim junto ao Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Vós que sois um Santo Guerreiro. Vós que sois o Santo dos Aflitos. Vós que sois o Santo dos Desesperados, Vós que sois o Santo das Causas Urgentes, Protegei-me, Ajudai-me, Dai-me Força, Coragem e Serenidade. Atendei ao meu pedido (pedir a graça desejada). Ajudai-me a superar estas Horas Difíceis, protegei-me de todos que possam me prejudicar, Protegei a Minha Família, atendei ao meu pedido com urgência. Devolvei-me a Paz e a Tranqüilidade. Serei grato pelo resto de minha vida e levarei seu nome a todos que tem fé. Santo Expedito, rogai por nós. Amém.”
Se a vela quebrada apagar antes e queimar por completa não acenda novamente. Deixe a vela de pé queimar até o final. Depois, pegue um saco plástico, e deposite os restos de cera das duas velas, feche com um nó e jogue no lixo.