08 novembro 2016



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Hundreds Pay Their Respects at Susan B. Anthony's Grave on Election Day

In 1872, Susan B. Anthony was arrested for voting – then not legal for women – and was indicted. Today we can vote on whether a woman should hold the highest office of the United States government. Since Hillary Clinton was officially nominated, people have been visiting Anthony’s grave to honor her memory and her contribution…

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Why Do China and India Print Different Maps of Their Border?

The border between China and India is disagreed upon. This disagreement has a historical basis: in 1914 the powerful British, who at the time occupied India, wanted to recognize the McMahon Line which runs along the main crestlines of the Himalayas to the east of Bhutan. The British convened a conference between British, Tibetan, and Chinese officials in the town of Simla to draw up a treaty which agreed to the McMahon Line. Although Chinese representatives at the meeting approved, the treaty was rejected when a draft reached China’s capital. The British simply overruled the rejection. Only the British and Tibetan representatives signed the treaty, the Chinese representatives did not. The British made Arunachal Pradesh part of their South Asian empire and governed it as such. But the Chinese did not forget. In 1958 the new communist government began a campaign to move the boundary to where the Chinese government had wanted it at Simla in 1914. The new, democratic Indian government disagreed. The issue remains unresolved.

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Advice For Your Yearly Checkup

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Election Day 2016

Thanks to a bill passed by Texas legislators that put in place technical voting procedure for astronauts, they have the ability to vote from space through specially designed absentee ballots. To preserve the integrity of the secret vote, the ballot is encrypted and only accessible by the astronaut and the county clerk responsible for casting it.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2fXPzgO
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Slave States Believed Lincoln Would Bring Abolition and Equality between the Races -- and They Seceded to Prevent It

Judge Harris spoke in front of a joint session of the Georgia General Assembly on December 17th, 1860. No states had yet seceded from the Union. But Abraham Lincoln had just been officially elected president, and many state legislatures were moving quickly to leave the Union. It was widely believed that Lincoln and the new party called Republican would attempt to end slavery in the south – not just prevent its spread to the west as Lincoln promised on campaign. And from there it was a short step to believing Lincoln and the Republicans wanted equality between blacks and whites.

Mississippi had already, in November of 1860, agreed to hold a state-wide convention on the question of secession. The Mississippi legislature further ordered the governor of Mississippi to appoint “commissioners” to every slave state. They were tasked with explaining Mississippi’s actions and calling for the other slave states to support whatever came out of Mississippi’s convention.

Judge Harris was a native Georgian with a reputation as a great thinker and great debater. In fact, he had been offered a Supreme Court seat earlier in the year, but turned it down believing succession was imminent. He was chosen by Mississippi’s governor to be the commissioner to Georgia for those reasons. His speech before the Georgian legislature was very similar to the other commissioner’s speeches to the other state legislatures, and Judge Harris’ conclusion to his brief address is a good example of the entire south’s thinking at the time:

Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, the part of Mississippi is chosen, she will never submit to the principles and policies of this Black Republican Adminstration.

She [Mississippi] had rather see the last of her race, men, women and children, immolated in one common funeral pile [pyre], than see them subjected to the degradation of civil, political, and social equality with the negro race.

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O tempo – Verão de 1920

Vamos em uma série de artigos falar sobre o tempo. Hoje convidamos os leitores a refletir sobre o inicio do século XX e a passagem do tempo.

Esta imagem é de 1920, quase 100 anos, chama atenção as roupas, que em close em uma das fotografias podemos reparar melhor:

As mulheres cobertas, quando muito as “canelas”, além de um pudor de exposição do corpo, o maiô levou décadas para chegar no biquíni. Foram muitos anos de polêmicas, repressão social e até policial. Uma moça que estivesse trajando uma roupa muito curta não seria apenas hostilizada, poderiam ser prezas!
Também era comum também o preconceito com o bronzeamento. Muitas pessoas evitavam pegar sol demais para não serem confundidas com “pessoas de cor”, um verdadeiro absurdo!

Até encontrar homens sem camisa era um fato raro, não se engane nem com o rapaz que aparece a direita, a camisa dele é clara, como a imagem é antiga e preto e branco parece que ele estaria sem camisa. Mas não está.
E pode ser impressionante realmente constatar como os valores de uma sociedade podem mudar. A noção do que é errado ou certo pode mudar bastante com o tempo. O que poderia ter demais uma moça colocar um biquíni?
Uma pessoa pode expor o seu corpo simplesmente porque está com calor, deseja se refrescar, se livrar de trajes quentes. Nem tudo deve ser visto pura e simplesmente com conotação sexual, vontade de exibição.
Devem estar todos mortos
As imagens são de 1920, 96 anos, é praticamente certo que todos nestas fotografias já faleceram. Já que até os mais jovens, se fossem vivos estariam com seus 100 anos ou mais.
O tempo é cruel! Nós estamos aqui apenas de passagem, muitas vezes vivemos como se fôssemos eternos, mas não somos, perdemos tempo com tantas futilidades, despeçamos preciosos dias com besteiras.
Vale lembrar 2016 é mais um ano que está acabando! 2017 vem aí! E não irá demorar muito para estarmos falando em 2018, 2020, 2030... Não deixe o seu tempo escorrer pelas suas mãos! A vida é para ser vivida e aproveitada.
No próximo artigo vamos seguir neste papo, vamos falar um pouco mais sobre velhice e transformações no corpo. Falando nisso é muito chato constatar que o tempo é mais cruel com as mulheres...
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