18 novembro 2020

Ancient DNA Suggests Little Ancient Andean Migration

A recent study of ancient human DNA in the Andes of South America looked at DNA samples from 22 sites, dating between 7,000 BCE to 1500 CE. They found an unusual trend: except in the large urban centers, the genetic profile of Andean people remained the same over 2,000 years.

Somewhat surprising given the various cultures and empires that rose and fell over the time period studies. This is the region that saw the Chavin (900 - 200 BCE), then Moche (00s - 600s CE), Nazca (100 BCE - 800 CE) Tiwanaku and Wari (till 1000s CE), Chimu (900 - 1470 CE), and finally the most famous Inca (1400s - 1500s CE). The changing political and cultural forces did not seem to impact people’s DNA, however.

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