30 junho 2020

O inverno, seus símbolos e suas práticas.

O inverno da sua região é rigoroso? 
O que o inverno representa pra você?
Veja aqui práticas cotidianas para lidar com a época mais gelada do ano.

No outono, estação anterior ao inverno no hemisfério sul, fomos convidados a desapegar de idéias antigas, hábitos e atitudes que não eram saudáveis , o inverno vem para que através da introspecção possamos avaliar o que desse período ficou para trás e o que continuará conosco para as próximas estações. Hora de encarar nossos medos e entrar em contatos com os nossos sentimentos mais escondidos. É hora de ouvir nosso ritmo interno  

O inverno é o momento de recolhimento, as árvores deixam suas folhas para sobreviverem ao frio, alguns animais se recolhem para concentrarem sua energia e estarem firmes quando o tempo passar, e nós devemos encontrar na introspecção e quietude os movimentos que construirão o nosso futuro. 

Aqui na sede do Magia do Bem, o inverno se estabeleceu há alguns dias, veio com chuva e a entrada de um ciclone extra tropical que trouxe ventos de até 80 km/h e temperaturas super baixas.

Se preparando para o inverno:


Retire previamente seus casacos grandes de inverno e os coloque para arejar, observe se há algum tipo de mofo, neste caso é melhor lavar em uma máquina que lave e seque. 
Após arejado, salpique com antisséptico em pó e espalhe bem.
Procure reorganizar o armário dando prioridade às roupas de frio, colocando as demais no fim da pilha de roupas ou mesmo separando-as para uso posterior.

Roupas de baixo como ceroulas, meias calças e segundas peles, São um super reforço no frio.
Tenha também luvas, mantas e meias de lã. 

Para o banho:

Tenha um aquecedor elétrico de ambientes para aquecer o banheiro 15 min antes de se banhar. 
lembre -se de desliga-lo antes de ligar o chuveiro se o seu for elétrico.

Tenha um roupão ou robe atoalhado, é um salvador na hora de sair do banho.

Siga uma pauta, nunca lave os cabelos e o rosto com água quente no inverno, é comum gerar caspa e dermatites atópicas, comece o banho lavando os cabelos com água morna enquanto ainda estiver seco, repita a operação assim você não precisará lavar os cabelos todos os dias,  condicione e volte a temperatura para o quente. Prossiga o banho ensaboando-se normalmente e atentando para os espaços entre os dedos do pé e outras juntas.
Enxágue-se e no momento final abra a torneira liberando o fluxo para enxaguar a cabeça com condicionador.
Comece a se secar com o chuveiro ainda ligado, seque a parte superior do corpo e desligue, pegue o roupão, vista e termine de se secar protegendo suas costas e peito.
Seque bem entre os dedos do pé, evitando frieiras comuns no inverno úmido.
Tenha antisséptico em pó para os pés dobrinhas do corpo.

Tenha suas roupas previamente separadas para vestir-se no quarto.

O desafio é aceitar os desafios do frio e torná-los mais palpáveis, entrar na dança para podermos olhar para sua beleza do inverno.

Pare de forçar o verão!
Nosso país passa por um inverno social e político  rigoroso , não está nada azul , "Uma sombra se aproxima do cartão postal mas quando vem não que mais sair". Céu.
É hora de arregaçarmos nossas mangas e fazer por nós e pelos nossos irmãos o que o poder público está nos negligenciando.
Separe roupas que puder doar para uma instituição de caridade ou mesmo leve pessoalmente esses objetos a pessoas do seu bairro, roupas infantis também são muito necessárias. 

Receita de quentão para aquecer os ânimos.


  • 1 1/2 xíc de chá de cachaça
  • 500 ml de vinho tinto seco
  • 1 xíc de chá de água
  • 1 xíc de chá de açúcar
  • 1/2 col de sopa de gengibre ralado (um pedaço de1cm x 1cm).
  • casca de 1 laranja
  • casca de 1 limão
  • uma rama de canela
  • 3 cravos da índia
Modo de preparo:

Em uma panela coloque o açúcar, o gengibre, as cascas de laranja e do limão, a canela e o cravo da índia, deixe aquecer até formar um caramelo, cuide para não queimar.
Retire a panela do fogo e regue com a água com cuidado para não espirrar, mexa para misturar.
Volte ao fogo médio a panela, misture a cachaça e o vinho, deixe ferver por cerca de 20 min.

Sirva com rodelas de laranja e limão.

E Evoé!

Equipe magia do bem.
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The White Australia Policy

Prior to 1901 the Australian colonies had seen a growth in non-White migration, especially during the gold rushes as many migrants arrived to seek their fortune. Reactions of White Australians to this trend were overwhelmingly negative. Immigrants were seen as responsible for lowering wages, as immigrants began leaving the gold rush towns for the cities – although none of the Australian businesspeople lowering those wages seemed to get in trouble.

So in 1901, Australia’s parliamen passed a national Immigration Restriction Act. It strongly limited non-British immigrants through a dictation test and giving immigration officers broad powers to declare a person was “undesirable” for their country of origin, possible criminal record, medical record, or simple “moral unfitness.” The attorney-general stated that the act “… means the prohibition of all alien coloured immigration, and more, it means at the earliest time, by reasonable and just means, the deportation or reduction of the number of aliens now in our midst. The two things go hand in hand, and are the necessary complement of a single policy — the policy of securing a ‘white Australia’.”

The immigration restriction act did what it was supposed to do, with Asian populations dipping from 1.25% in 1901 (yes, it was that low when the law was passed) to 0.21% in the late 1940s. Labor shortages during World War II led to slightly easing of restrictions. Initially, the government began allowing more non-British Europeans to immigrate, because these “Beautiful Balts” still looked like the Australian fantasy of Whiteness. But Australia’s demographic problems continued, and further restrictions were lifted, until in 1975 the full Immigration Restriction Act was eliminated.

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Simpatia do escapulário para proteção da união e da casa dos recém casados.

Está se preparando para casar ou morar junto com seu amor? Então faça esta simpatia para que sua vida a dois seja sempre feliz e cheia de realizações.

É importante primeiramente conhecer a história de Nossa Senhora do Carmo e de seu escapulário mágico.

O escapulário de Nossa Senhora do Carmo representa os obstáculos que enfrentamos para estabelecer algo que almejamos, é um protetor mágico, simboliza as alianças eternas e o privilégio que possuímos de conhecer o amor.
É feito de dois quadrados de tecido marrom unidos por cordões, tendo de um lado a imagem de Nossa Senhora do Carmo e do outro o coração de Jesus.
Quando apareceu ao monge São Simão Stock em 1251, Nossa Senhora entregou-lhe o escapulário e lhe disse:

"Recebe, meu filho, este escapulário da tua ordem, como sinal distintivo da minha confraria e selo do privilégio que obtive pra ti e para todos os carmelitas. O que com ele morrer não padecerá o fogo eterno. Este é um sinal de salvação, uma salvaguarda dos perigos e prenda de paz e de alianças eternas".

Procure uma oração à santa, agradeça pelos benefícios conquistados e peça proteção ao seu novo lar
A simpatia

Compre um escapulário de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, que pode ser encontrado em lojas de artigos religiosos.

Separe um pano marrom e um branco do tamanho de um lenço. Providencie também flores de macela e camomila.

Faça 3 tiras do tecido marrom.

Envolva o escapulário no tecido branco juntamente com as flores de macela e camomila, feche-o como um envelope e amarre com as tiras de pano marrom.

Vá até a porta de entrada da sua casa, e entoe 3 vezes a seguinte frase:

"Nossa senhora, salvaguarde essa casa e construa aqui uma aliança eterna de paz e amor."

Reze uma oração dedicada a Nossa Senhora do Carmo e uma Ave Maria.

Guarde o envelope de pano e repita a simpatia por 9 dias seguidos ao amanhecer.

Retire o escapulário do pano branco, coloque as flores de macela e camomila em uma planta e pendure o escapulário em algum lugar de sua casa.

O branco do véu de Nossa Senhora do Carmo é usado em cerimônias religiosas desde a antiguidade.
O marrom dos hábitos dos carmelitas surgiu para evitar perseguições e ajudará a afastar o mau olhado da sua aliança e de seu novo lar. 

A  macela é muito usada para a união amorosa e a camomila para limpeza e proteção do ambiente.

Assim você e sua casa estarão protegidos !


Equipe Magia do bem.

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Deep Space 1 Spacecraft at 2.3 Million Miles from Earth

June 30 is Asteroid Day.

from NASA https://ift.tt/2NUDTdX
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Visit –>...

Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/paranormal-psychology.html to learn all about the study of paranormal experience and belief.

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29 junho 2020

Two Ethiopian women, 1931

Two Ethiopian women, 1931

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An Astronaut's View of Work

Spacewalkers Bob Behnken (left) and Chris Cassidy (right) in the Quest Airlock on June 26, 2020, before beginning a spacewalk to replace batteries on one of two power channels on the International Space Station.

from NASA https://ift.tt/3ibmiw7
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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/sigmund-freud.html for Sigmund Freud information and resources.

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28 junho 2020

Early Eden in South Africa

A new study has found that an Eden-like human habitat in a lush plain off what is today South Africa. The plain was exposed during a glacial event, and the river-covered paradise was so rich in resources that even migratory species did not bother to migrate, according to new isotope analyses.

Related research from some of the same team has previously found evidence to suggest humans thrived in this area even during the eruption of the Mount Toba supervolcano about 74,000 years ago. The eruption caused a volcanic winter which devastated life around the world. But apparently Toba did not impact life that much in the studied area, which was both far enough away and resource-intensive enough that our ancestors’ lifestyles were largely unchanged.

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Simpatias e dicas para se livrar dos vícios.

Quer se livrar do álcool, drogas ou cigarros?
Veja aqui dicas de como lhe dar com este problema.

Muitas pessoas nos procuram buscando meios de lhe dar com o alcoolismo, a adicção em drogas e com o tabagismo.

Muitas práticas do mundo moderno podem nos trazer algum tipo de prejuízo e podem ser consideradas viciosas. Passar horas jogando um no celular ou envolvido em redes sociais, pode fazer a pessoa se desligar do mundo ao seu redor e afastá-la até mesmo de seus objetivos e obrigações cotidianas.

De qualquer maneira, seja qual for o vício que você possua é preciso identificá-lo e ter consciência de sua existência, podendo assim procurar a ajuda específica para o seu caso. 
É um importante avanço, muitas pessoas demoram para buscar ajuda, custando-lhes assim um tempo precioso. 

Existem maneiras adequadas de procurar ajuda nos casos de dependências químicas causadas pelo álcool ou drogas, procure na sua cidade o sistema único de saúde, exponha seu problema e peça encaminhamento para um especialista, existem psiquiatras e assistentes sociais gratuitos no Brasil.
Os CAPS e a cruz vermelha brasileira desempenham um trabalho formidável na disposição desses profissionais com consultas gratuitas de psicólogos, psiquiatras e acolhendo grupos como o AA e o NA em suas sedes.  

Geralmente familiares não conseguem sucesso ao confrontar um adicto, o caminho mais fácil para estes casos pode ser o auxilio de amigos, parentes próximos ou alguém que a pessoa, que sofre de algum vício, tenha consideração e respeito. 
Se for ineficaz procure uma intervenção, reúna as pessoas mais próximas e surpreenda o adiccto em algum momento, obrigando-o a sentar-se e escutar o que o que se tem a dizer, propondo-lhe meios de procurar ajuda.

Existem clínicas psiquiátricas com setores para dependentes químicos, inclusive gratuitas, porém é necessário pesquisar e sobretudo visitar o ambiente antes de propor que seu ente querido se interne ali.

É importante que apessoa entenda que sua adicção prejudica tanto ou mais as pessoas que a rodeia do que a ele próprio, tornando assim  urgente a reparação para o bem de todos. 

E a pessoa tendo a consciência do vício e desejando largar, qual é o próximo passo?

Um dos caminhos mais comuns em momentos iniciais é a troca de "vício", trocar de uma atividade prejudicial por algo que não seja tanto. Como se esta nova atividade fosse algo intermediário que vai ajudar a pessoa em um período de transição do abandono do vício.

Parando de fumar cigarros

Adote uma estratégia de diminuição gradual do ritmo de fumo, diminua em 25% seu consumo semanal.

Pratique esportes e evite a bebida alcoólica e o café, estes liberam substâncias que podem ativar a vontade de fumar.

Experimente o Kumbaya, que é uma mistura de várias ervas aromáticas e sem nicotina.  A mistura promove uma sensação de relaxamento por conter camomila, erva doce, jasmim, hortelã, salvia e calêndula.

Os cigarros de palha também são uma boa opção, contém tabaco e portanto nicotina! Porém são de fabricação mais simples e por isso menos impregnados de outras substâncias nocivas. Ajudam no sentido de serem super fortes, trazendo saciamento instantâneo e assim um maior espaçamento no ritmo do fumo.

Deixando as drogas

Relembramos aqui a importância de procurar a ajuda de um familiar ou amigo quando sentir o impulso de usar drogas.

Quando pensar em usar, troque imediatamente de roupa e saia para um exercício físico ou mesmo para uma volta na quadra, se possível não leve nenhum pertence consigo, nem mesmo a chave de casa.

Infusão poderosa desintoxicante do organismo e reguladora dos impulsos:

Você precisará de:

jasmim em flor
1 litro de água

Ferva a água e coloque em punhados cada erva por vez, abafe com um prato, deixe em infusão por 20 minutos e coe antes de servir.
Pode também ser guardado em uma garrafa e consumido gelado durante o dia.  

Procure o Narcóticos Anônimos de sua região e acompanhamento psicológico. 

Deixando de beber

O acompanhamento psicológico e os grupos de AA são importantes ferramentas para o tratamento do alcoolismo.

Seguem algumas dicas:

Acupuntura tem resultados comprovados na diminuição do desejo de beber, regula o organismo energética e fisiologicamente de modo a entender suas vitais necessidades.

Suco detóx:

300 gr de abacaxi
2 folhas de boldo
2 folhas de maracujá
500ml de água de coco

Bater no liquidificador, coar e servir.

Seguindo essas idéias você poderá lhe dar melhor com o seu vício ou com o vício dos seus entes queridos.

E Evoé!!

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27 junho 2020

Simpatias para diminuir a libido e o desejo sexual

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The Odd Story of a Pope Chosen by a Dove

Pope Fabian was elected bishop of Rome in 236 under…unusual circumstances. Here is how it went down, according to Eusebius of Caesarea, writing in the 300s:

After the short reign of Pope Anterus, Fabian had come to Rome from the countryside when the new papal election began. “Although present,” says Eusebius, Fabian “was in the mind of none.” While the names of several illustrious and noble churchmen were being considered over the course of thirteen days, a dove suddenly descended upon the head of Fabian. To the assembled electors, this strange sight recalled the gospel scene of the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus at the time of his baptism by John the Baptist. The congregation took this as a sign that he was marked out for this dignity, and Fabian was at once proclaimed bishop by acclamation.

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Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/paranormal-psychology.html to learn all about the study of paranormal experience and belief.

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26 junho 2020

Thalassophobia is the fear of the sea. It is used pretty...

Thalassophobia is the fear of the sea. It is used pretty broadly, so it can also mean fear of very deep water, fear of the empty vastness of the sea, and fear of sea creatures.

The word comes from the Greek thalassa (“sea”) plus phobos (“fear”).

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Hubble Captures Galaxy on Edge

We don’t see the beautiful spiral arms of galaxy NGC 5907 in this Hubble image because we are viewing it edge-on, like looking at the rim of a plate. It is for this reason that NGC 5907 is also known as the Knife Edge galaxy.

from NASA https://ift.tt/2BKHZT6
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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html to learn all about the history of psychology.

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25 junho 2020

In 1894, Queen Victoria of England decided to pay a visit the...

In 1894, Queen Victoria of England decided to pay a visit the London Horse Guards in her carriage. She was not amused to arrive and find guards drinking and gambling while they were supposed to be on duty. She ordered that, as punishment, the guards had to parade for inspection by an officer every day at 4 o’clock – for 100 years!

The punishment ended in 1994 but Queen Elizabeth II wanted the parade to continue. So the Household Cavalry still parade every day at 4 o’clock.

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The Space Station's Solar Transit

This composite image, made from six frames, shows the International Space Station, with a crew of five onboard, in silhouette as it transits the Sun.

from NASA https://ift.tt/3eyd7n3
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Visit –>...

Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/psychology-tests.html to learn all about psychological testing.

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O sexo em tempos de confinamento

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A comunicação virtual em tempos de pandemia

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24 junho 2020

“Contagium vivum fluidum,” Latin for “contagious living fluid,” was how...

Contagium vivum fluidum,” Latin for “contagious living fluid,” was how viruses were first described in 1898. It was described as a fluid because the virus being studied was able to slip through the finest mesh filters then available, like a fluid.

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Psychology Gifts

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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html to learn all about the history of psychology.

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A Solar Eclipse Shadows Asia

On June 21, 2020, as the International Space Station orbited over Kazakhstan and into China, an external high-definition camera captures this picture of the solar eclipse shadowing a portion of the Asian continent.

from NASA https://ift.tt/2YuRBdx
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Forensic Psychology Information Guide

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23 junho 2020

Práticas energéticas para a quarentena

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Bronze Wine Holder Shaped Like a Deer

China during the early Western Zhou Dynasty, circa 1000 BCE.

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Freudian Psychoanalyst: 240 Page Notebook. Super Stylish...

Freudian Psychoanalyst: 240 Page Notebook.

Super Stylish Sigmund Freud Pencil Drawing, Quote and Signature Cover Design. (5.5" x 8.5") College Ruled/Lined.

Tell Me About Your Notebook!

  • Perfect for note taking, journal writing, diary keeping
  • 240 college ruled/lined pages
  • Perfect size for work, school, college, or university
  • Unique cover design
  • Ideal birthday/Christmas/holiday gift for anyone interested in Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis

Get Yours Here

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NGC 7027: Like a Metallic Jewel Bug in the Sky

In this image NGC 7027 resembles a jewel bug, an insect with a brilliantly colorful metallic shell.

from NASA https://ift.tt/385kMHn
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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html to learn all about the history of psychology.

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Reopening to the New Normal

Reopening to the New Normal:

Thank you for listening.

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22 junho 2020

Scandal Has Always Sold

Celebrities are well-known for having scandals. Sometimes scandals supercharge a celebrity, sometimes they destroy them. Mae West was an example of where a scandal was a springboard to greater fame and fortune.

In 1926, she put on a play called simply “Sex” where she played (surprise) a sex worker. Newspapers were outraged. Mae West was thrown in jail for indecency. But the play was packed and audiences loved her for her bawdiness and fresh, edgy humor. She later quipped she “climbed the ladder of success wrong by wrong” rather than rung by rung.

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Astronauts Chris Cassidy and Bob Behnken Work on U.S. Spacesuits

NASA astronauts (from top) Chris Cassidy and Bob Behnken work on U.S. spacesuits.

from NASA https://ift.tt/3fLlHPv
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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html to learn all about the history of psychology.

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21 junho 2020

Using Dental Tartar to Reconstruct Diets from Japan's Edo Period

Samples of tartar from the teeth of 13 people who were buried in what is now eastern Tokyo in the latter half of the Edo Period, from 1603 to 1867 CE, were analyzed in a recent study. DNA from rice was identified in the tartar of eight of the individuals. The DNA of other foods, including daikon radish, the minty herb “shiso” perilla, green onion, Japanese chestnut, carrot, and pumpkin was also identified. The researchers noted that the DNA results match records describing these foods from the period.

Non-food items were also found. DNA from tobacco plants, which may have been smoked, was also found in the tartar. Slightly more obscure was resin from tropical lowland rainforest trees – potentially a tooth powder?

“The technique will make it possible to survey what each individual ate,” Rikai Sawafuji of the University of the Ryukyus said of the project. Such analysis could allow researchers to determine which foods were used as staples, and even which were an individual’s favorite foods, he added.

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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/child-psychology.html for quality child psychology information and resources.

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Psychology Journal Articles Collection

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20 junho 2020

Beadnet dress from Egypt’s 4th Dynasty, during the reign of...

Beadnet dress from Egypt’s 4th Dynasty, during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu 2551–2528 BCE. It is the oldest surviving example of a dress in this style. And yes, it would have put the wearer’s body on display in a way that is barely acceptable at a burlesque by today’s standards.

The dress has been reassembled from approximately seven thousand beads (no record mentioned how long the reassembling took) found in an undisturbed burial of a female contemporary of Pharaoh Khufu. Although their string had disintegrated, a few beads still lay in their original pattern on and around the mummy, allowing modern archaeologists to accurately reconstruct what it had once looked like. The color of the beads has faded as well. But when it was first made, the beadnet was blue and blue green, to imitate the precious stones lapis lazuli and turquoise.

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VISIT –> https://ift.tt/1eWNk1f

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19 junho 2020

Jerusalem circa 1000 BCE, in the united Kingdom of Israel

This reconstruction based on the archaeological record highlights how difficult, and important, getting water was at the top of a hill in of a dry subtropical climate.

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Black Hole Bounty Captured in the Center of the Milky Way

Astronomers have discovered evidence for thousands of black holes located near the center of our Milky Way galaxy using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.

from NASA https://ift.tt/2LI5Tz7
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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/experimental-psychology.html to check out a great tutorial on experimental design concepts.

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18 junho 2020

The Odd Relationship between Malaysia and South Africa

Malaysia invested heavily in South Africa’s economy post-Apartheid. Between 1995 and 1997, the principal sources of direct foreign investment in South Africa were first the United States and then, surprisingly, Malaysia, followed by Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Apartheid had been a major foreign policy priority for Malaysia in the 1980s and early 1990s. The Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad had pushed for international cooperation in sanctioning South Africa, while providing support to the African National Congress, the opposition party in South Africa. Nelson Mandela even visited Malaysia for four days within a year of his release from prison. With such a background, it was natural for Malaysia to transition to supporting South Africa after the end of Apartheid.

However, that does not explain why Malaysia cared about South Africa’s Apartheid in the first place. This was part of Malaysia’s larger policy (since the 1960s) in “south-south cooperation.” They thought it important for post-colonial countries to help each other and reduce their dependency on industrialized nations. South-south cooperation also was tied to Malaysia’s active involvement in the Non-Aligned Movement. If post-colonial countries worked together, it would strengthen countries’ ability to stay out of Cold War entanglements with the US or the USSR.

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ADHD, Executive Function and Behavioral Challenges in the Classroom

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Preparing for Future Missions at the Armstrong Flight Research Center

Pilots Troy Asher and Wayne Ringelberg walk out of NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center’s (AFRC) hangar in Palmdale, California, toward the flight line.

from NASA https://ift.tt/2Yb0M2z
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Preparing for Furture Missions at the Armstrong Flight Research Center

Pilots Troy Asher and Wayne Ringelberg walk out of NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center’s (AFRC) hangar in Palmdale, California, toward the flight line.

from NASA https://ift.tt/2Nc3kHr
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Information via –>...

Information via –> amazon.com/This-Day-Psychology-Showcase-Pioneers-ebook/dp/B00V5D0KXI/ (On This Day in Psychology: A Showcase of Great Pioneers and Defining Moments).

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17 junho 2020

What A Comfy Pillow

In China, ceramic pillows kept the head cool at night, and were believed to ward off evil spirits who preyed on undefended sleepers.

Glazed ceramic pillow from China’s Tang Dynasty. Circa 700s CE.

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Why Does it Feel Good to See Someone Fail?

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Viewing the Red Planet

This artist's concept shows an astronaut on Mars, as viewed through the window of a spacecraft.

from NASA https://ift.tt/2N4cBRB
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VISIT –> https://ift.tt/1eWNk1f

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16 junho 2020

Personality Psychology Information and Resources

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An Anecdote on Shakespeare, the Mexican-American War, and the Male Psyche

In 1845 the US President James Polk ordered about half of the United States army to enter Texas, then an independent country the US had just annexed, and set up camp north of the new Mexican border. Polk wanted to provoke Mexico into attacking and starting a war. The army was basically told to mass just close enough to Mexican border to be worrisome, then stay put and do nothing. As you can imagine the men started drinking, fighting, and generally behaving like bored young men. Their officers decided to curb the rowdy behavior by…building a theater and staging Shakespeare plays! Only logical solution, really.

The first play planned was Othello. They found an officer, Porter, to play the lead role, but then there was a problem: who could play Desdemona? The officers eventually discovered a slim, girlish officer who everyone acknowledged looked great in a dress. His name was Ulysses S Grant. So this is the story of how the man who would become the general that led the Union Army in the American Civil War, then led the country as president through the start of Reconstruction after slavery was abolished, spent time rehearsing what it would be like to be a white woman in love with a black man.

In the end Porter could not handle playing Othello opposite Grant as Desdemona, and they brought in an actress from New Orleans. Makes you think about American society’s willingness to accommodate male fragility around their sexuality.

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Breakdown and Repair: A Father's Tale of Stress and Success

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Via –> https://ift.tt/1eWNk1f

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Hubble Makes a Bright Find

Seen here in incredible detail is the starburst galaxy formally known as PLCK G045.1+61.1. The galaxy, which appears as multiple reddish dots near the center of the image, is being gravitationally lensed by a cluster of closer galaxies, also seen in the image.

from NASA https://ift.tt/37BHlmp
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15 junho 2020

New Discovery in the Heart of the Roman Forum

An intriguing stone sarcophagus has been found in an underground chamber lying below what was once the steps into the Curia Julia, or the Roman senate house, in the Roman Forum. The Curia Julia was built by Julius Caesar in 44 BCE as a new and modern senate house. But the sarcophagus and stone cylinder in front of it have been dated to as early as the late 500s BCE, based on studying the layers of the forum.

The combination of the sarcophagus and the cylinder suggest the cylinder could be an alter. Potentially even a symbolic tomb or shrine to the legendary founder of Rome, Romulus, at the center of the city that he founded. Similar monuments to mythic founders or ancient heros are known to have existed in other cities in the Graeco-Roman world.

Excavations were due to continue in April 2020, which might have revealed more about the rediscovered chamber.

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Bringing Einstein's Concepts to Life Through Art

Launched on April 20, 2004, Gravity Probe B (GP-B) was a collaboration between Stanford University and NASA designed to test two previously untested aspects of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

from NASA https://ift.tt/3d5BRlg
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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/psychoanalysis.html for psychoanalysis information and resources.

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14 junho 2020

France Made Already-Free Slaves Pay For Their Freedom

When Haiti’s slaves fought for their independence (and won) against France, France required its former colony to pay “reparations” to the French government and French slaveholders for the “theft” of their slaves. Costing billions of dollars in today’s money, it was financed by French banks and the American Citibank. The debt was only paid off in 1947. Having to continually send money out of the country has been a major factor in maintaining Haitian poverty over the past two centuries.

France, by the way, continues to refuse considering repaying the reparations back to Haiti.

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Information via –> https://ift.tt/19V5cyI - On...

Information via –> www.amazon.com/dp/B00V5D0KXI - On This Day in Psychology: A Showcase of Great Pioneers and Defining Moments. #psychology

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13 junho 2020

Skara Brae, the famous prehistoric stone village in...

Skara Brae, the famous prehistoric stone village in Scotland’s Orkney Islands, was preserved in part thanks to a giant sand dune. The Neolithic village rested peacefully under a giant dune for millennia until wild storms ripped away its protection in the winter of 1850.

Locals were surprised to find a midden heap and sunken stone homes that had been peacefully sitting under the dune their whole lives. The discovery turned out to be the best-preserved Neolithic settlement in northern Europe thanks to the dune. It even had some prehistoric furniture!

The dune, by the way, was named Skara Brae.

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Awakening: Awakening Is Not What You Think

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VISIT –>...

VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/child-psychology.html for quality child psychology information and resources. 

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12 junho 2020

Using Genetics To Understand Central Andean Populations Across Time

A recent genetic study of ancient human remains found in the highlands and coastal regions of Peru’s Central Andes Mountains indicates that around 7,000 BCE, groups that lived in the highlands were genetically distinct from those that lived along the Pacific coast, and that by 3,800 BCE, the population that lived in the north was genetically distinct from the population in the south.

This is not to make too strong a statement about populations living in isolation from each other: there was some evidence of intermarriage between these groups. But the rate of gene exchange slowed around 2,000 years ago. And these groupings are still in evidence today, in the genes of Peru’s modern inhabitants.

Because the researchers found a high level of genetic continuity, the study suggests that the fall of Andean cultures such as the Moche, Wari, and Nazca were not the result of massive immigration. Nor did local people did not die out when they were invaded. If such mass population changes had occurred it would have been shown in the genetic record. However, remains from urban centers do show evidence of diverse origins: cities were gathering places for individuals from varied genetic (and geographical) backgrounds.

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Developmental Psychology Information and Resources

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VISIT –> amazon.com/author/all-about-psychology

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Hubble Glimpses a Galaxy Among Many

Looking deep into the universe, the Hubble Space Telescope catches a passing glimpse of the numerous arm-like structures that sweep around this barred spiral galaxy, known as NGC 2608. Appearing as a slightly stretched, smaller version of our Milky Way, the peppered blue and red spiral arms are anchored together by the prominent horizontal

from NASA https://ift.tt/30zSbbl
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11 junho 2020


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The Discovery of an Ashoka Pillar in 1905

“Ashoka Pillars” are a series of columns dispersed throughout India, erected or at least inscribed with edicts of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka. They date to his long reign from 268 to 232 BCE. The Ashoka Pillars today are important records of the reach of Mauryan control, and the acts of the Mauryan government.

This photograph is a rare in-situ recording of the discovery of one of the Ashoka Pillars at Sarnath.

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Grand Finale: One of Cassini's Last Dives

This illustration imagines the view from NASA's Cassini spacecraft during one of its final dives between Saturn and its innermost rings.

from NASA https://ift.tt/3fcESSc
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VISIT –> amazon.com/author/all-about-psychology

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The Terrifying Power Of Stereotypes And How To Deal With Them

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10 junho 2020

A baker in Podgorica, Montenegro, ready to deliver his...

A baker in Podgorica, Montenegro, ready to deliver his customers’ daily bread orders. Circa 1920

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