31 agosto 2019
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30 agosto 2019
Prece matinal para ser saudável
Hubble Views Final Stages of a Star’s Life
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29 agosto 2019
The Accidental Widow
Celebrating Spitzer's Sweet Sixteen
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28 agosto 2019
A Little Railroad Trivia
Lifting the Space Launch System Core Stage Into Place
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27 agosto 2019
Want to know an interesting thing about one of America’s...
Astronaut Andrew Morgan Performs His First Spacewalk
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26 agosto 2019
In Deep Waters, There Be Monsters
Christine Darden: From Human Computer to Engineer
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25 agosto 2019
Pé Grande relatado duas vezes no nordeste da Geórgia
Uma supernova nos levou a andar em pé?
Cientistas tentam explicar o mistério das luzes na Lua
Estudo sobre o Monstro do Lago Ness tem resultado “surpreendente”
The Pizza Effect
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24 agosto 2019
The Legend of Switzerland's Peace Soup
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23 agosto 2019
FIFA throws a World Champions’ Gold Cup every 50 years. It is open only to countries that...
Prece matinal pela saúde física
What Is Meditation Therapy and What Are the Benefits?
Hubble Captures Dynamic Dying Star
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https://ift.tt/2L1XNS7 meditation...
22 agosto 2019
Wildfires in the Brazilian Rainforest Creating Cross Country Smoke
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21 agosto 2019
If you like psychology, you’ll love –>...
In World War I, the German navy disguised one of their ships as a British ship, the RMS Carmania,...
A View of the National Space Council
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20 agosto 2019
English Proverbs from the 1000s
SpaceX Dragon Crew Emergency Evacuation Rehearsal
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19 agosto 2019
Artistic Snobbery
3D Printing and the Future of Aeronautics
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18 agosto 2019
Here’s A Mental Health Workout That’s As Simple As ABC
This is Meritamun. Her name means “beloved of Amun,”...
A lua está esfriando, encolhendo e tremendo
Homem diz aos policiais que Pé Grande o atacou com um machado
8 estados dos EUA que detectaram a existência do Pé Grande
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17 agosto 2019
This is one of twelve guardian figures from the tomb of general...
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16 agosto 2019
Analysis of Hominin Teeth Tells Us About Prehistoric Breastfeeding Practices
Oração para agradecer a Jesus
Hubble’s Portrait of Star’s Gaseous Glow
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15 agosto 2019
Greywacke sculptured head of an Egyptian priest, unusual for its...
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