28 março 2017

The Greeks Built Such A Ridiculous Ship They Were Forced To Give It Away

It’s not known when the first armored ships were built. The ancient Greeks said they had one in the third century B.C., named the Syracusa, that had eight armored catapult turrets, a gymnasium, a pool, gardens, and a temple. It was sort of a combination luxury liner and superfreighter that could carry 1,800 tons of wheat. The huge lead-plated ship, built under Archimedes’ supervision, was so big it could enter only one harbor, in Alexandria, through they didn’t realize this until after it was built. Oops!

The ship made only one voyage – from Sicily to Egypt – where it was given to Ptolemy of Alexandria as an oddity.  By the way, it was almost 2,000 years later before a functional armored ship was built, in the 1800s.

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