31 janeiro 2017
NASA Day of Remembrance
Via: Memes psychology students will love. GO HERE –>...
cartermagazine: Today In History ‘Jackie Robinson, the first...
Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same exact day - February 12, 1809.
January 31st 1956: A.A. Milne diedOn this day in 1956, English...
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30 janeiro 2017
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Oração de Oxum para ter prosperidade e proteção
The tomb of an American naval hero. But which one?John Paul...
Pluto has four known moons: Charon (ferryman of Hades), Nix (the Greek goddess of night and...
Dia de Iemanjá – Data mágica de grande magnitude - Tendas por todo litoral Brasileiro
Visit: http://ift.tt/2jnM05S...
Astrônomo afirma que asteroide atingirá a Terra no dia 16 de fevereiro
January 30th 1948: Gandhi assassinatedOn this day in 1948,...
Happy birthday Joseph Jastrow. Born on this day in 1863.VISIT...
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29 janeiro 2017
How Misconceptions Get Started
January 29th 1941: Ioannis Metaxas diedOn this day in 1941,...
See following link for more great psych...
The Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) is named...
If you like forensic psychology, you’ll love –>...
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28 janeiro 2017
When Greece Became Greece
The old jokes are the best! If you like psychology, you’ll...
Simpatia Poderosa para – Arrumar emprego, conquistar uma pessoa
"They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one; they promised to..."
January 28th 1813: Pride and Prejudice publishedOn this day in...
Geneticist launches bid for US Senate
Trial and Error! Great cartoon by Jimmy Craig via...
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27 janeiro 2017
earth, today: photographed by suomi npp weather satellite, 27th...
Nearly 2/3 of military deaths in WWI were in battle. In previous conflicts, most deaths were due...
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In light of the recent gag orders on US scientists...
Apollo 1 Crew Honored
January 27th 1945: Liberation of AuschwitzOn this day in 1945,...
Real Life Cases of Amnesia That Are Stranger Than Fiction
26 janeiro 2017
VISIT –> http://ift.tt/1eWNk1f for quality...
January 26th 1950: Indian Constitution enactedOn this day in...
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