03 julho 2015

Hello, looking for an opinion here. Next fall I start college and hopefully, if all works out, I will be duel majoring in History and Foreign Language (being Spanish, Chinese, German and Arabic). From your experience as a history major, do you think this could be a good combination? Or should I focus on one or the other?

I only studied History, but a lot of my friends studied it alongside a single language (French, German, Spanish, Japanese etc.), and I think they really enjoyed it. In the British system you get a fairly good balance between the two subjects (and do a year abroad in your chosen country), though can still follow one further if you prefer it. I have personally always thought studying languages a very useful skill and you’re getting a great range there - Chinese and Arabic are especially useful languages to have nowadays. But in the end it’s what feels right for you, if you love history just devote your time to that, but languages are a good way to keep your options open. Maybe talk it over with a teacher/family member who knows your situation (and the US educational system) better than I! Best of luck and I’m sure you’ll make the right decision :)

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