02 março 2015

Wouldn't historical-nonfiction be great if it was a book?

title: Napoleon Wrote A Romance Novel: all the interesting facts your history teacher left out

synopsis: A whirlwind tour of world history, starting with the first known civilizations and ending in the 21st century. But this is not some dry recitation of facts and dates you were forced to memorize in middle school. No, this is all about the interesting stuff.

Why were Jews protected by the Roman Empire, but Christians persecuted — and why did that switch? How did Heian Japan, the last “classical” Japanese dynasty, view gays and lesbians? Why was Marie Antoinette’s hair so revolutionary for women (and men)? These are the types of questions my book will answer. The bizarre, the funny, the often unbelievable parts of history. In short, interesting facts to make you sound smart the next time someone mentions the Roman Empire, or Heian Japan, or Marie Antoinette. And there is a quick history of the world along the way!

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