31 agosto 2018
Curso de Feng Shui online com certificado
Você já ouviu falar sobre o Feng Shui?
Trata-se de uma arte milenar usada para atrair prosperidade, harmonia e sucesso para todas as áreas da vida. O princípio do Feng Shui é harmonizar as energias dos ambientes, seja em casa ou no local de trabalho, trazendo boas vibrações.
O Feng Shui combina a organização e decoração dos ambientes de modo a desbloquear o fluxo das energias e movimentá-las a favor do ser humano.
Oração para o mês de Setembro
You have east and west swapped in the circumnavigating Africa post, just wanted to give you a heads up!
The Astonishing Story of the First People to Circumnavigate Africa
The Phoenicians are the first known people to have sailed all the way around Africa. The Egyptian pharaoh Wehimbre Nekao, who ruled from 610 to 595 BCE, asked for Phoenician aid in circumnavigating Africa. This likely had something to do with Egypt’s defenses, which were threatened at the time by Babylon – who happened to be threatening the Phoenician heartland as well. Nekao was pretty lucky that the best sailors and navigators of the ancient world happened to share his enemy.
According to Herodotus, the voyage took two full years. Based on modern estimates, it may even have taken three years. The first stretch along the Red Sea, around the Horn of Africa, and down the western coast would have been easy sailing. Phoenicians were familiar with the Red Sea, often trading with Yemen for incense. And a combination of monsoon winds and easy currents made the western coast of Africa a quick journey.
After rounding the cape, in what is today South Africa, the Phoenicians are thought to have stopped and farmed for a bit. No ancient ship could carry enough supplies for two years. So they likely sowed their wheat in June, started to repair their ships, and harvested in November. Then they started up the eastern coast of Africa. This was what took the bulk of the journey. A combination of unfavorable winds and changeable currents likely made the trip rather scary. Modern historians think the Phoenicians made a second stop and stayed a planting season at what is today the coast Mauretania. They had likely been traveling for two and a half years. Finally, after a second harvest and repairing their boats, they beat their way along the Moroccan coast and towards the world they knew.
After their Mauretanian pitstop, the navigators would have quickly re-entered civilization as they knew it: the Phoenicians by this time had a town on Mogador Island, off central Morocco. From then on it was an easy trip along the southern Mediterranean, with plenty of hospitable ports for refueling and telling the astonished inhabitants their story.
Hubble’s Lucky Observation of an Enigmatic Cloud
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30 agosto 2018
Cattle Are King: A Non-Western Worldview
The Herero, a prominent South West African group, had a worldview centered around their herds of cattle. A key creation myth said first Herero had been given a bull and a cow by the Creator. Meanwhile other peoples had to be content with inferior gifts.
When this creation myth was challenged once by a German settler, one proud herdsman is reputed to have answered: “Everyone is greedy. The European is devoted to dead metals. We are more intelligent, we get our joy out of living creatures.”
Celebrating Guy Bluford's Historic First Flight
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Visit —> www.all-about-psychology.com/women-in-psychology.html to learn about some of the most eminent women in the history of psychology.
Born At The Wrong Time
Oração de exaltação a Santa Cruz
Dia 14 de setembro
Exaltai ao Senhor, nosso Deus
e prostrai-vos ante o escabelo de seus pés
porque Ele é Santo.
Salva-nos, ó Filho de Deus,
Tu que foste crucificado na carne,
a nós, que a Ti cantamos: aleluia!
Salva, Senhor, o teu povo
e abençoa a tua herança.
Concede à tua Igreja a vitória sobre o mal
e guarda o teu rebanho pela tua Cruz.
Tu, ó Cristo Deus, que, voluntariamente, foste erguido na Cruz,
tem compaixão do povo que traz o teu Nome.
Alegra, pelo teu poder, a tua santa Igreja
e concede-lhe a vitória sobre o mal.
Que tua aliança seja para nós
uma arma de paz e um troféu de vitória!
Diante da tua Cruz † (sinal da cruz), ó Mestre, nos prostramos
e glorificamos a tua santa Ressurreição. (3 vezes)
Glória ao Pai † …
E glorificamos a tua santa Ressurreição.
Diante da tua Cruz †, ó Mestre, nos prostramos
e glorificamos a tua santa Ressurreição.
Exaltai ao Senhor, nosso Deus
e prostrai-vos ante o escabelo de seus pés porque ele é Santo.
O Senhor reina, alegrem-se os povos;
seu trono está sobre os Querubins, vacila a terra. (Sl 99, 5)
Aleluia, aleluia, aleluia!
Lembra-te do teu povo que elegeste há tanto tempo;
recuperaste o cetro de tua herança.
Aleluia, aleluia, aleluia!
Deus, que é nosso Rei antes dos séculos,
operou a salvação no meio da terra.
Aleluia, aleluia, aleluia!
Ó Mãe de Deus, tu és o paraíso místico,
pois sem ser cultivada, produziste Cristo,
que plantou a árvore da Cruz.
Por isso, agora O adoramos crucificado
e a ti exaltamos.
Gravada está sobre nós, Senhor,
a luz da tua face.
Aleluia, aleluia, aleluia!
Ó Cristo Deus, que voluntariamente foste suspenso à Cruz,
tem compaixão do povo que traz o teu nome.
Alegra, pelo teu poder, a tua santa Igreja
dando-lhe a vitória sobre o mal.
Que tua aliança seja para nós
uma arma de paz e um troféu de vitória.
Cumprida, Senhor foi a palavra de teu profeta Moisés:
"Vereis vossa Vida suspensa a vossos olhos".
Hoje, a Cruz é exaltada e o mundo se liberta do erro.
Hoje, renova-se a ressurreição de Cristo;
regozijam-se os confins da terra,
e, com hinos e salmos, como outrora Davi, exclamam:
"Realizaste hoje, a salvação do mundo,
passando pela Cruz e a Ressurreição,
pelas quais nos libertaste, Senhor Nosso Deus!"
Ó Tu, que amas a humanidade, Senhor, glória a Ti!
29 agosto 2018
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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/history-of-psychology.html to learn all about the history of psychology.
Underwater Robots Help NASA Plan Future Deep-Space Missions
An expedition that will help NASA search for life in deep space launched today – not with a rocket’s roar, but with a gentle splash into the deep Pacific Ocean. The project will use underwater robots to explore the environment around a deep-sea volcano off the coast of Hawaii that has similar conditions to what may exist on Saturn’s moon Enceladus.
from NASA https://ift.tt/2LCZDaj
A Oração do Angelus (A Trindades)
V. O Anjo do Senhor anunciou a Maria
R. E Ela concebeu pelo Espírito Santo
Avé Maria...
V. Eis a escrava do Senhor.
R. Faça-se em mim,
segundo a Vossa palavra.
Avé Maria...
V. E o Verbo Divino encarnou.
R. E habitou entre nós.
Avé Maria...
V. Rogai por nós, santa Mãe de Deus.
R. Para que sejamos dignos das promessas de Cristo
28 agosto 2018
"Two farmers each claimed to own a certain cow. While one pulled on its heads and the other pulled on..."
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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/psychoanalysis.html for psychoanalysis information and resources.
Lights of Java
Astronauts get to observe the Earth in all her beauty from aboard the International Space Station. A member of the Expedition 56 crew currently onboard the station took this nighttime image of Java, Indonesia's largest island.
from NASA https://ift.tt/2wnzAiL
27 agosto 2018
A Scottish factory worker, showing off her tattoos in July of...
A Scottish factory worker, showing off her tattoos in July of 1917. On her right arm are the emblems of her sweetheart’s Royal Navy warship. On her left arm are the names of her friends who had died, sweeping for mines in the North Sea. World War I had been raging for three years at this point.
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Visit –> www.all-about-psychology.com/cognitive_dissonance.html to read Leon Festinger’s classic article ‘Cognitive Consequences of Forced Compliance’ in full for free!
Time-lapse Sequence of Jupiter’s North
Alma de Cristo
Anima Christi
( A oração de Santo Inácio )
Alma de Cristo, santificai-me.
Corpo de Cristo, salvai-me.
Sangue de Cristo, inebriai-me.
Água do lado de Cristo, lavai-me
Paixão de Cristo, confortai-me.
Ó bom Jesus, ouvi-me.
Dentro das Vossas chagas, escondei-me.
Não permitais que eu me separe de Vós.
Do inimigo maligno defendei-me.
Na hora da minha morte, chamai-me.
Mandai-me ir para Vós,
Para que Vos louve com os Vossos Santos
Pelos séculos dos séculos. Ámen.
Vem, Espírito Santo
Vem, Espírito Santo
Vinde, ó santo Espírito,
vinde Amor ardente,
acendei na terra vossa luz fulgente.
Vinde, Pai dos pobres:
na dor e aflições,
vinde encher de gozo
nossos corações.
Benfeitor supremo
em todo o momento,
habitando em nós
sois o nosso alento.
Descanso na luta
e na paz encanto,
no calor sois brisa,
conforto no pranto.
Luz de santidade,
que no Céu ardeis,
abrasai as almas
dos vossos fiéis,
Sem a vossa força
e favor clemente,
nada há no homem
que seja inocente.
Lavai nossas manchas,
a aridez regai,
sarai os enfermos
e a todos salvai.
Abrandai durezas
para os caminhantes,
animai os tristes,
guiai os errantes.
Vossos sete dons
concedei à alma
do que em Vós confia:
Virtude na vida,
amparo na morte,
no Céu alegria.
26 agosto 2018
"Heaven won’t fail the dedicated heart. Sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall, 3,000 Yue soldiers at..."
Every Chinese schoolchild knows the idiom “sleeping on brushwood, tasting gall.” It means — roughly — that grueling hard work will always pay off in the long run.
The quote is a couplet by writer Pu Songling in the 1600s, who wrote it after repeatedly failing the notoriously difficult Qing Dynasty-era civil service exam. But the idiom predates Pu.
You have to back pretty far in Chinese history to find the source of the saying, to the war-filled Spring and Autumn period. In the early 400s BCE, King Goujian of the Yue state was defeated by the Wu state ruler and forced to be his servant for a time, before being allowed to return home. Goujian kept his resolve strong with hard living, eating peasant food and literally tasting bile to remind him of the bitterness of servitude. He eventually triumphs over his nemesis — who leads a more luxurious, lazy life — and annexes his rival’s kingdom.
Today, people are urged to become a “21st-century Goujian” through hard work. But they might want to consider Pu Songling’s case, too. Sometimes hard work takes too long to pay off. Pu, a schoolteacher, lived and died in relative obscurity, despite having written numerous short stories about the supernatural. It was not until some 50 years after his death that he gained a following as a writer. Too late for Pu to enjoy it.
25 agosto 2018
The First Woman To Travel Around The World
Jeanne Baret is the first known woman to have circumnavigated the globe. She was a member of Louis Antoine de Bougainville’s expedition on the ships La Boudeuse and Étoile from 1766 to 1769. And most of that time, she was disguised as a man! “Jean Baret” enlisted as valet and assistant to the expedition’s naturalist, Philibert Commerçon, and was an expert botanist herself.
She had been Commerçon’s housekeeper – and probably lover – for years already, and he was in poor health. He hesitated to accept the position as naturalist for the around-the-world voyage because of his health. Commerçon was allowed one servant on the Bougainville, paid for by at royal expense, but women were strictly forbidden on French naval vessels. Somehow the idea of disguising Baret as a man was introduced. She showed up just before the ship left, pretending to be a stranger to Commerçon. While Baret’s surviving documents carefully absolve Commerçon of the plot, it is inconcievable that he had not known (at minimum) and had helped her plan.
Sometime during the voyage, likely in the south-eastern Pacific islands, Baret’s gender was discovered. Accounts differ as to how exactly that happened. When the voyagers, short of food, stopped at Mauritius in the Indian Ocean Commerçon was delighted to find that an old naturalist friend, Pierre Poivre, was the governor. At the time Mauritius was an important trading post. So Commerçon and Baret were left behind as Poivre’s guests. Bougainville encouraged them to stay. Henwas probably glad to not have a living, breathing breach of the law on one of his ships anymore.
Commerçon made a series of plant-collecting expeditions from Mauritius, to Madegascar and Bourbon Island. Baret, who was still working as his housekeeper and nurse, likely accompanied him on these trips. Unfortunately Commerçon died in Mauritius. He left little money, and no social supports, as Poivre had been recalled to Paris. Baret was left there without a way to get back. She seems to have found work running a tavern, for a time, before marrying one Jean Dubernat in May of 1774. He was a non-commissioned officer in the French army who was likely stopping over in Mauritius on his way back to France.
The couple made their way back to France, completing Jeannne Baret’s circumnavigation of the globe. Sadly there are poor records, and we do not know which ship took them back or what day, exactly, Baret arrived in France. But at some point, likely in 1775, Baret became the first woman to circle the globe. For her feat she was eventually awarded a pension of 200 livres a year by the Ministry of Marine.
24 agosto 2018
Ritual para afastar a depressão
A Bicharin solider. The Bicharin are a tribe of the Beja nomadic...
Just Another Day on Aerosol Earth
Even if the air looks clear, it is nearly certain that you will inhale millions of solid particles and liquid droplets. These ubiquitous specks of matter are known as aerosols, and they can be found in the air over oceans, deserts, mountains, forests, ice and every ecosystem in between.
from NASA https://ift.tt/2OYs9p0
Oração especial de Santa Teresa de Calcutá
Dia 05 de Setembro
O Papa Francisco proclamou Madre Teresa de Calcutá como santa no Jubileu da Misericórdia, em 4 de setembro de 2016.
Ó Jesus, Tu que sofres,
Faz com que hoje e todos os dias
Eu saiba ver-te na pessoa dos teus doentes.
Oferecendo-lhe os meus cuidados
Que eu te possa servir.
Faz com que,
Mesmo oculto
Sob o disfarce pouco atraente
Da ira, do crime ou da loucura,
Eu saiba ver-te e dizer:
Ó Jesus como é doce servir-te
A ti que sofres!
Dá-me, Senhor, esta visão de fé
E o meu trabalho
Nunca será monótono.
Encontrarei alegria satisfazendo
As pequenas veleidades e desejos
De todos os pobres que sofrem.
Amado doente,
És mais amado ainda para mim
Porque representas Cristo.
Que grande privilégio o meu
Por poder cuidar de ti!
Ó Deus,
Tu que és Jesus que sofre
Digna-te ser também para mim
Um Jesus paciente,
Indulgente com as minhas faltas,
Não vendo senão as minhas intenções,
Que são de Te amar e servir
Na pessoa dos teus filhos
Que sofrem.
Aumenta a minha fé.
Abençoa os meus esforços e trabalhos,
Agora e sempre.
23 agosto 2018
These earrings have a story to tell. Unfortunately, we...
These earrings have a story to tell. Unfortunately, we don’t know most of it. They were most likely made in Constantinople around 600 CE, perhaps as an imperial gift to a Visigothic ruler of medieval Spain, where they were found in Extremadura. The Visigoths by that point had become the settled rulers of the Iberian Peninsula, and had established trade and diplomatic contacts with the Byzantine Empire. And its known that the Visigoths particularly prized Byzantine jewelry.
A World On Fire
The Immortal Harriet
Charles Darwin brought back a tortoise from the Galapagos Islands. She was five years old, and he named her Harriet. Harriet long outlived Darwin, and passed through a number of owners – the last being Steve Irwin. Harriet died in 2006 at the ripe old age of 176.
VISIT –> https://ift.tt/1eWNk1f for quality...
22 agosto 2018
Space Station Flight Over Hurricane Lane
NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold photographed a massive storm in the Pacific Ocean during a flyover from the International Space Station. Arnold shared images on social media on Aug. 22, 2018, and wrote, "#HurricaneLane in the early morning hours near #Hawaii. The crew of the @Space_Station sends much aloha to everyone there."
from NASA https://ift.tt/2BAhWNW
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VISIT –> www.all-about-psychology.com/social-psychology.html for quality social psychology information and resources.
Oração para a cura da tristeza
Senhor Jesus,
tu conheces a minha tristeza,
essa tristeza que invade meu coração,
e sabes a origem dela.
Hoje me apresento a ti
e te peço, Senhor, que me ajudes,
pois já não posso continuar assim.
Sei que tu me convidas a viver em paz,
com serenidade e alegria,
inclusive em meio às dificuldades cotidianas.
Por isso, eu te peço que coloques tuas mãos
nas feridas do meu coração,
que me fazem ser tão sensível aos problemas,
e me libertes da tendência à tristeza e à melancolia,
que tomam conta de mim.
Hoje te peço que tua graça restaure a minha história,
para que eu não viva escravizado
pela lembrança amarga
dos acontecimentos dolorosos do passado.
Como eles já passaram,
não existem mais,
eu te entrego tudo aquilo por que passei e sofri.
Quero perdoar-me e perdoar,
a fim de que a tua alegria comece a fluir em mim.
Eu te entrego as tristezas unidas às preocupações
e aos temores do amanhã.
Esse amanhã tampouco chegou e,
por isso, só existe na minha imaginação.
Devo viver somente o hoje,
e aprender a caminhar na tua alegria no momento presente.
Aumenta minha confiança em ti,
para que minha alma cresça em júbilo.
Tu és Deus e Senhor da história e da vida,
das nossas vidas.
Por isso, toma a minha existência
e a das pessoas a quem amo,
com todos os nossos sofrimentos,
com todas as nossas necessidades,
e que, com a ajuda do teu poderoso amor,
cresça em nós a virtude da alegria.
21 agosto 2018
By age 14, Harry Truman had read every book in the Independence, Missouri, library.
Looking Back at Eclipse 2017
The Architect Who Became A God
King Djoser (c 2667 - 2648 BCE) built what is perhaps the first true pyramid in ancient Egypt, the step pyramid. The architect of Djoser’s pyramid was Imhotep, the king’s vizier. He slowly grew in fame, slowly getting credited with medical powers, until he was worshiped as a god in the Ptolemaic Period (332 - 30 BCE) and equated with Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, and Asklepios, the Greek god of healing.
Today, his name is perhaps better known for being the mummy that was brought back to life in the movie, The Mummy.
20 agosto 2018
Oração Poderosa de São Cipriano para afastar inimigos
Dia 26 de setembro
Pela Intercessão de São Cipriano e todo o coro de Anjos e Arcanjos Senhor eu lhe rogo que afasteis de mim, da minha casa, do meu trabalho, da minha vida e da minha família todo o mal, toda a inveja, todo o orgulho, toda maldade, todo o egoísmo e toda cilada!
Eu lhe suplico que toda força maligna seja colocada em seu devido lugar, que ela deixe de perturbar a minha casa, a minha vida, meu trabalho e a minha família. Que ela não seja nunca capaz de abalar a minha fé. Assim como São Cipriano conheceu o Poder de deus e se converteu, que o Poder do Nome Santo e Sagrado de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo se manifeste e me livre!
Eu lhe imploro, Senhor, por São Cipriano que intercede por mim nesta batalha! Que rompa eternamente os seus laços comigo, a inveja, a maldade, as energias negativas e os inimigos. O Poder de deus é infinitamente superior a qualquer trapaça do inimigo, São Cipriano aprendeu isso e se converteu. Que se converta toda energia negativa no Poder do Nome Santo e Sagrado de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.
Assim seja. Amém.
Pai Nosso
Mahmud II: The Great Reformer
Often called “Peter the Great of Turkey,” Mahmud II was the 30th sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He reigned from 1808 until his death in 1839. Mahmud II oversaw extensive military, administrative, and monetary reforms which were capped by the Decree of Tanzimat in 1839.
Tanzimat was an overarching modernizing effort which, among other things, ended tax farming, created military conscription from districts based on size (instead of the hereditary Janissaries), and created legal and social equality before the law for all citizen (instead of different religious systems operating autonomously, often with special privileges for favored sects). One aspect of Tanzimat greatly limited the sultan’s power: it guaranteed citizens the rights of life and property. This meant sultans could no longer execute or confiscate the property of anyone at whim.
Unfortunately, Mahmud II died in 1839, so Tanzimat had to be implemented by his sons and successors.
derivativesequence: The Auspicious Incident
Mahmud II is mostly remembered today for his … harsh … elimination of the janissaries. The once-elite fighting force had become an outdated, hereditary power broker that had overthrown previous sultans who attempted to curb their power, rather like the Praetorian Guard of the Roman Empire centuries before. So Mahmud’s harsh elimination of the janissaries was warranted.
In a nutshell, the Auspicious Incident was a revolt by the Janissaries after Mahmud II attempted to organize a new army, which would be modeled after contemporary European armies. The janissaries revolted, predictably, as they had in response previous attempts to modernize the army. The revolt was put down by having his new, modern troops fire on the janissary barracks. They caught fire, and those who escaped the fires were shot. About 4,000 were killed. Survivors were hunted down, and had their property confiscated, were executed, or both.
Just like that, the janissaries were done. Mahmud II managed to do what many sultans before him could not. The janissaries were no longer a sword, held to the sultan’s throat, which could change policies and regimes on a whim.
Mahmud II: The Great Reformer
Often called “Peter the Great of Turkey,” Mahmud II was the 30th sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He reigned from 1808 until his death in 1839. Mahmud II oversaw extensive military, administrative, and monetary reforms which were capped by the Decree of Tanzimat in 1839.
Tanzimat was an overarching modernizing effort which, among other things, ended tax farming, created military conscription from districts based on size (instead of the hereditary Janissaries), and created legal and social equality before the law for all citizen (instead of different religious systems operating autonomously, often with special privileges for favored sects). One aspect of Tanzimat greatly limited the sultan’s power: it guaranteed citizens the rights of life and property. This meant sultans could no longer execute or confiscate the property of anyone at whim.
Unfortunately, Mahmud II died in 1839, so Tanzimat had to be implemented by his sons and successors.
Planet of Clouds
VISIT –> https://ift.tt/1eWNk1f for quality...
Oração de São Paulo aos Efésios
Livro de Efésios, Capítulo 3, versículos de 14 a 20.
A oração de Paulo pelos Efésios
14 Por causa disso, me ponho de joelhos perante o Pai de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, 15 do qual toda a família nos céus e na terra toma o nome, 16 para que, segundo as riquezas da sua glória, vos conceda que sejais corroborados com poder pelo seu Espírito no homem interior; 17 para que Cristo habite, pela fé, no vosso coração; a fim de, estando arraigados e fundados em amor, 18 poderdes perfeitamente compreender, com todos os santos, qual seja a largura, e o comprimento, e a altura, e a profundidade 19 e conhecer o amor de Cristo, que excede todo entendimento, para que sejais cheios de toda a plenitude de Deus.
20 Ora, àquele que é poderoso para fazer tudo muito mais abundantemente além daquilo que pedimos ou pensamos, segundo o poder que em nós opera, 21 a esse glória na igreja, por Jesus Cristo, em todas as gerações, para todo o sempre. Amém!