31 julho 2015



Via: http://ift.tt/1eWNk1f

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The ISS and a Colorful Moon

Tonight's Full Moon, the second Full Moon in July, could be called a blue moon according to modern folklore. But this sharp and detailed mosaic, recorded with telescope and digital camera just before July's first Full Moon, actually does show a colorful lunar surface. The colors have been enhanced in the processed image but are real nonetheless, corresponding to real differences in the chemical makeup of the lunar surface. Also easy to see especially when the Moon is near full phase, bright rays from 85 kilometer wide Tycho crater at the upper right extend far across the lunar surface. Against the southern lunar highlands above and right of Tycho is an amazingly detailed silhouette of the International Space Station. Seen from Byron Bay, NSW Australia on June 30, the ISS lunar transit lasted about 1/3 of a second, captured with a fast shutter speed in burst mode.

from NASA http://ift.tt/1KEiFIp
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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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New self-filling water bottle harvests drinking water from the air

New self-filling water bottle harvests drinking water from the air: mindblowingscience:A new...
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solar corona, photographed by soho, 31st july 2015.19 frames...

solar corona, photographed by soho, 31st july 2015.

19 frames over 8 hours.

image credit: nasa/soho. animation: ageofdestruction.

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thedemonruler: nowyoukno: Source for more facts follow...



Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Yup that’s metal as fuck

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Como esquecer uma pessoa?

 Descubra como esquecer uma pessoa

Quando terminamos uma relação tudo o que mais desejamos é não sofrer pelo término. Mas, infelizmente, as lembranças vão nos acompanhar por vários dias, meses, e até anos. Vale até guardar na memória as coisas boas, as viagens, mas é preciso isolar este sentimento, se afastar um pouco de tudo o que viveu, dos amigos deste relacionamento, até que você consiga controlar suas emoções. Para te ensinar como esquecer uma pessoa, separamos uma série de dicas.

Não existe uma tecla delete que apagará toda a história, uma espécie de amnésia. Aprender a conviver com as lembranças não quer dizer que é para ficar remoendo as boas memórias e sim que é para você seguir em frente.

Confira algumas dicas a seguir de como esquecer uma pessoa

Não espione
Continuar acompanhando o que a pessoa faz através das redes sociais é uma das coisas que os ex acabam fazendo, após o término, que não ajuda em nada e ainda traz novidades dolorosas. Você não faz mais parte daquela realidade. Por isso pare, isso só te prende ao passado, em uma relação que não existe mais e que te faz sofrer. Desapegar é o primeiro passo que você dá para esquecer uma pessoa.

Para de alimentar a sua culpa pelo “fim”
Depois do rompimento tentamos encontrar um culpado, e normalmente sempre somos nós “por que eu não fiz isso? ”, “por que fiz aquilo? ”, e se você está pensando assim, PARE! Não é culpa de ninguém se a relação acabou. Se isso aconteceu é porque simplesmente não era pra ser. Não fique se martirizando, pegue sua energia e invista na superação do relacionamento.

Trate como droga
Dizem que o amor é uma droga, então vamos tratá-lo como uma. Primeiro se afaste de tudo o que lembra essa pessoa. Se ainda não tem controle para resistir, o melhor a fazer é manter distância. Livre-se de tudo que tenha relação com esta pessoa, jogue fora presente, CDs, fotos, tudo que, de alguma forma, possa provocar uma recaída e te fazer chorar e sentir saudade. Se você não for capaz de se desapegar das coisas, peça para uma amiga ajudá-la, mantendo estes objetos longe, ao menos enquanto este turbilhão de emoções, sentimentos de raiva e saudade, esteja te afetando.

Não alimente sentimentos ruins
Esses sentimentos de ódio, raiva, ou até mesmo aquele desejo de vingança não vão te deixar esquecer a pessoa. Se prender a eles vai te impedir de seguir em frente, fazendo você perder tempo com coisas que não vão acrescentar em nada na sua vida e te deixando presa ao passado. Alivie seu coração e procure desapegar dos sentimentos bons e ruins que alimenta sobre esta pessoa. Livre-se disso e limpe seu coração para que novas pessoas possam aparecer.

Dê um tempo para você
Aproveite esse momento sozinha e se conheça melhor. Comece a fazer as coisas que você gosta, que te inspiram, aquelas que não tinha tempo antes, mas que agora está totalmente livre para fazer. Pegue esse momento para aprender a ser feliz sozinha, descobrir seus defeitos e qualidades, e perceber que sua felicidade não depende dos outros.

Como esquecer uma pessoa? Quanto mais difícil possa parecer, mais esforço você precisa fazer para superar esta dificuldade. Lembre-se que apesar de toda chuva, o sol voltará a brilhar e que seus dias voltarão a ser lindos como a primavera. Tenha fé que logo mais essa dor que você se sente, o tempo irá curar e isolá-la em um passado, sem que ela consiga te deixar triste novamente.

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Entenda como as fases da lua interferem em sua vida amorosa

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Como esquecer um homem?

7 dicas que vão te ensinar como esquecer um homem

Durante nossa vida nos envolvemos com muita gente, mas quando nos envolvemos sentimentalmente com uma pessoa tudo parece maravilhoso, principalmente quando nos apaixonamos. Só que infelizmente as coisas não são eternas como queríamos, e quando essa relação acaba, nós ficamos extremamente tristes. E é este o momento de desapegar um dos mais doloridos, como esquecer um homem por quem estamos apaixonadas?

Podem ter tido milhões de motivos para que esse relacionamento tenha acabado. Pode ter sido você que tenha feito algo que os separou como pode ter sido ele, mas mesmo assim, independente de toda dor que sentimos com o término, nada é pior quanto a dor da saudade.

Infelizmente, em muitas ocasiões, por mais que o seu parceiro tenha feito mal a você, o amor não some. As lembranças dos momentos bons ainda te cercam, mas você sabe que precisa esquecer esse relacionamento para ser feliz, apagar essas memórias e seguir em frente. Mas como esquecer um homem? Como apagar tudo o que viveram juntos?

Sabemos que é impossível esquecermos totalmente alguma coisa, mas aprendemos a viver com esse sentimento de saudade, o colocando de escanteio até que um dia o tempo cure essa dor fazendo com que nem nos lembremos mais o quão intenso ele era. Só que para isso você precisa se esforçar para esquecer esse amor, seguindo as dicas a seguir.

Aprenda como esquecer um homem

Evite fazer coisas que lembrem dele
Durante uma relação, você e seu parceiro começam a adquirir hábitos em comum, lugares que ambos frequentam e adoram. Mas continuar indo a esses ambientes após o término não é algo muito agradável, só lhe fará lembrar do passado. Evite estes locais.

Corte o contato
Muitas pessoas quando terminam querem continuar sendo amigos. Isso é normal, afinal, durante o relacionamento criamos um laço único com essa pessoa. Após o término ainda pode existir ciúme, carência, saudade, sentimentos que vão te manter preza ao passado. Evite contato para que você consiga superar este momento.

Logo depois do término tudo o que fazemos ou pensamos relembra a relação. Ficar remoendo isso só traz mais dores. Faça coisas novas, quebre sua rotina, encontre coisas que você gosta de fazer. Dance, cante, brinque, malhe, leia. Faça algo para ocupar a sua mente. Ficar ocupada vai te deixar menos tempo livre para pensar no passado, te ajudando a superar esse período conturbado.

Saia com amigos
Um ótimo jeito de se distrair é sair com os amigos. Risadas e diversão são os melhores jeitos para sair da depressão pós término do namoro. Aproveite essa nova fase para ter ao seu lado pessoas alegres e que gostem de você.

Não se culpe
Não fique se martirizando pelo fim da relação. A culpa não é sua, e nem dele, é culpa da vida que não faz as coisas para serem eternas. Então não ache que foi você que errou, que fez tudo dar errado, porque não foi. Apenas aceite que chegou ao fim e que existe um novo recomeço, tire o peso dos ombros e levante. Logo encontrará novos motivos para sorrir.

Não odeie
Às vezes, os homens não são tão maduros para conseguir administrar uma relação. Por isso, apenas aceite o fato de que ele não era para você, e supere esse amor, e evite o ódio. Desta forma, você aliviará o seu coração, sem rancor, dando tempo para que ele se recupere e pronto para ser despertado por uma nova paixão.

Invista em você
Agora que tem um tempo exclusivo para você, aproveite para fazer cursos, cuidar de seu corpo, sua alma, sua beleza. Sabe aquele corte de cabelo que queria fazer e sempre faltou coragem? Faça agora! Lembre-se que se amar deve ser a maior prioridade em sua vida.

Leia também:

Entenda como as fases da lua interferem em sua vida amorosa

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scienceisbeauty: Fibonacci Florescentiaby David A. ReimanThis...


Fibonacci Florescentia

by David A. Reiman

This work is an abstract representation of a botanical specimen based on a fractal Fibonacci spiral. Individual flowers grow from the bifurcation points and bend toward the smaller fractal component. Flowers are colored depending on the growing angle. Every flower lies along a larger virtual spiral path of similarly colored and bending flowers. The work is made entirely from circular arcs and filled circles.

Via The Guardian: Bridges 2015: a meeting of maths and art - in pictures

Conference site: Bridges Baltimore 2015

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grassangel: leupagus: othartryggvassen: theolduvaigorge: Exti...





Extinct tree grows anew from ancient jar of seeds unearthed by archaeologists

For thousands of years, Judean date palm trees were one of the most recognizable and welcome sights for people living in the Middle East — widely cultivated throughout the region for their sweet fruit, and for the cool shade they offered from the blazing desert sun.

From its founding some 3,000 years ago, to the dawn of the Common Era, the trees became a staple crop in the Kingdom of Judea, even garnering several shout-outs in the Old Testament. Judean palm trees would come to serve as one of the kingdom’s chief symbols of good fortune; King David named his daughter, Tamar, after the plant’s name in Hebrew.

By the time the Roman Empire sought to usurp control of the kingdom in 70 AD, broad forests of these trees flourished as a staple crop to the Judean economy — a fact that made them a prime resource for the invading army to destroy. Sadly, around the year 500 AD, the once plentiful palm had been completely wiped out, driven to extinction for the sake of conquest.

In the centuries that followed, first-hand knowledge of the tree slipped from memory to legend. Up until recently, that is.

During excavations at the site of Herod the Great’s palace in Israel in the early 1960’s, archeologists unearthed a small stockpile of seeds stowed in a clay jar dating back 2,000 years. For the next four decades, the ancient seeds were kept in a drawer at Tel Aviv’s Bar-Ilan University. But then, in 2005, botanical researcher Elaine Solowey decided to plant one and see what, if anything, would sprout.

“I assumed the food in the seed would be no good after all that time. How could it be?“ said Solowey. She was soon proven wrong.

Amazingly, the multi-millennial seed did indeed sprout — producing a sapling no one had seen in centuries, becoming the oldest known tree seed to germinate.

Today, the living archeological treasure continues to grow and thrive; In 2011, it even produced its first flower — a heartening sign that the ancient survivor was eager to reproduce. It has been proposed that the tree be cross-bred with closely related palm types, but it would likely take years for it to begin producing any of its famed fruits. Meanwhile, Solowey is working to revive other age-old trees from their long dormancy.”

***Does anyone in the know have any comments?

(Source: Tree Hugger)


Apparently this tree is lookin’ for a lady

Here’s a ten year update. The scientist, Elaine Solowey, has germinated and grown other ancient date palm seeds and there are a couple of female plants that Methuselah could pollinate. 

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compoundchem: What chemical compounds help your brain function?...


What chemical compounds help your brain function? Here’s an update to an old post taking a look at some common neurotransmitters: http://wp.me/p4aPLT-1kN

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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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Calusa: An Aquaculture Kingdom

A tribe we call the Calusa lived in southern Florida since at least 100 CE. They grew into a local power, getting tribute from nearby tribes and building monuments that remain today as testaments to their might.

  • the Calusa depended on the sea, not agriculture, for its food surplus. They fished along the Gulf Coast estuaries and harvested rich shellfish beds.
  • wide and well-tended waterways likely functioned much like streets in a modern town, only for canoes instead of cars
  • “water courts” or large square pools on either side of the main canals, were kept filled with fish. It is believed the water courts were kept as food reserves to feed the city’s large population
  • the Calusa believed each person had three souls—one was their shadow, a second was their reflection, and a third was in the pupils of their eyes
  • the Calusa began expanding around the 1200s CE
  • another neighboring coastal group, the Tocobaga, were also rising in power around this time, and perhaps the Calusa centralized to counter their growing might
  • their capital city was a 51-hectare artificial island constructed almost entirely from oyster, clam, and other shells, called Mount Key
  • the first smaller Spanish forces that landed during and after 1517 were easily chased away by the superior Calusa strength
  • the next 200 years, an increasingly embattled Calusa fought off the Spanish and rival tribes’ attacks, who evened their odds with British firearms

The end came when British slavers in the region offered other native groups, such as the Creek and Yamasee people, a musket for every captive they brought in, they frequently turned up with Calusa men and women. The cities which had survived the past two centuries of intermittent warfare were wiped out within one or two generations.

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The Earth’s Core

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ddrdh: According to the 2014 National Healthcare Quality and...


According to the 2014 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report released in May 2015 by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) more Americans are receiving healthcare than ever before.

Healthcare disparities are a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group; religion; socioeconomic status; gender; age; mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; sexual orientation or gender identity; geographic location; or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion.

Loosely translated this means that certain people in our society (and this usually means minorities, poor people and women) don’t get the healthcare and services that others get. This, of course, contributes to all sorts of problems not the least of which is an increased economical burden

There is also, of course, the ethical concern of allowing certain people in our community to suffer. Loosely translated this means that the US government (which is all Americans, really) does not want to see any of its citizens suffer.

AHRQ is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is the lead agency charged with supporting research designed to improve the quality of healthcare, reduce its cost, improve patient safety, decrease medical errors, and broaden access to essential services. AHRQ sponsors and conducts research that provides evidence-based information on healthcare outcomes; quality; and cost, use and access. The agency is mandated (Health Research and Quality Act of 1999) to submit these annual reports to Congress to assess the performance of our health system and to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses in the health care system.

The findings:

  • the rate of uninsurance among adults ages 18-64 decreased substantially during the first half of 2014. 
  • During the first half of 2014, declines in rates of uninsurance were larger among Black and Hispanic adults ages 18-64 than among Whites, but racial differences in rates remained.
  • From 2000 to 2010, the percentage of adults ages 18-64 who reported they were without health insurance coverage at the time of interview increased from 18.7% to 22.3%. 
  • From 2010 to 2013, the percentage without health insurance decreased from 22.3% to 20.4%. 
  •  During the first half of 2014, the percentage without health insurance decreased to 15.6%.
  • Quality of care: 
    • Blacks received worse care than Whites for about one-third of quality measures.
    •  Hispanics, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and Asians received worse care than Whites for some quality measures and better care for some measures

“The Affordable Care Act is the most far-reaching effort to improve access to care since the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Provisions to increase health insurance options for young adults, early retirees, and Americans with pre-existing conditions were implemented in 2010. Open enrollment in health insurance marketplaces began in October 2013 and coverage began in January 2014. Expanded access to Medicaid in many states began in January 2014, although a few had opted to expand Medicaid.”

The report has a lot of information in it. Take the time to read through it. 

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NEEMO Undersea Crew Tests Tools and Techniques For Future Spacewalks

This photograph of NASA astronaut Serena Aunon (@AstroSerena) moving tools and equipment underwater was taken during the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) 20 mission. NEEMO 20 is focusing on evaluating tools and techniques being tested for future spacewalks on a variety of surfaces and gravity levels.

from NASA http://ift.tt/1I7kFb3
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climateadaptation: mothernaturenetwork: The mysterious world...



The mysterious world of albino redwood trees
These rare ‘ghosts of the forest’ don’t have chlorophyll, but they’ve found an interesting way to survive.

Very cool!

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http://ift.tt/1t0j103 (UK)

Drawing on the author’s experience as both a student and then a University lecturer in Psychology, this guide is designed to inform psychology students at every stage of their educational journey.

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"Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing."

“Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.”

- Wernher von Braun, German aerospace engineer and space architect credited with inventing the V-2 Rocket and the Saturn-V, for Nazi Germany and the United States, respectively
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July 31st 1492: Spanish expulsionOn this day in 1492, the...

Wedding portrait of King Ferdinand II of Aragon (1452 – 1516) and Queen Isabella I of Castile (1451 – 1504)

The Alhambra Decree, 1492

Depiction of the Spanish expulsion of Jews

July 31st 1492: Spanish expulsion

On this day in 1492, the Alhambra Decree went into effect, thus expelling Jews from Spain. Issued in March by Ferdinand and Isabella, the joint Catholic monarchs of Spain, the decree ordered the expulsion of all Jews who refused to convert to Christianity by July 31st. This measure was pushed for by the monarchs’ adviser Tomas de Torquemada, who spearheaded the Spanish Inquisition aimed at rooting out heresy. Ferdinand and Isabella agreed to the expulsion after successfully completing the reconquista - the unification of Spain under Christian rule - with the conquest of Granada. By the July deadline, the majority of the nearly 200,000 Spanish Jews chose to leave the country rather than renounce their religion and culture. Many of these Sephardic Jews moved to Turkey, Africa, and elsewhere in Europe, though they often encountered violence as they tried to leave the country. Those who fled to neighboring Portugal were expelled from that country only four years later when King Manuel married the daughter of the Spanish monarchs. The Jews who remained became conversos, suffering mistrust and harassment; indeed, some such converts did continue practicing Judaism in secret. The policy of religious conformity continued in 1502, when Spanish Muslims were also ordered to convert to Christianity. The importance of the expulsion is often overshadowed by the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas, on a voyage funded by the Spanish monarchs, also in 1492. The Alhambra Decree was formally revoked by the Second Vatican Council in 1968, as part of a general attempt by the Spanish government to make amends for the painful legacy of the expulsion.

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vox: Doctors have good advice for new parents — but don’t...

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30 julho 2015



Via: http://ift.tt/1eWNk1f

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Milky Way over Uluru

The central regions of our Milky Way Galaxy rise above Uluru/Ayers Rock in this striking night skyscape. Recorded on July 13, a faint airglow along the horizon shows off central Australia's most recognizable landform in silhouette. Of course the Milky Way's own cosmic dust clouds appear in silhouette too, dark rifts along the galaxy's faint congeries of stars. Above the central bulge, rivers of cosmic dust converge on a bright yellowish supergiant star Antares. Left of Antares, wandering Saturn shines in the night.

from NASA http://ift.tt/1H4Flwz
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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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Here’s What Breaking Up Does to Your Brain When the love...

Here’s What Breaking Up Does to Your Brain

When the love of your life dumps you, you’re going to go a little nuts. But it’s a very specific form of crazy: There are actually conflicting neural systems active inside your brain. It’s like you’re falling in love all over again, only in reverse. Here’s how neuroscience explains it.

Addicted to Love

It doesn’t matter whether you were with your ex-lover for six months, four years, or more – a breakup throws your brain back into the obsession of early love. Everything that reminds you of that person – a photograph, places you used to go together, random thoughts – triggers activity in “reward” neurons inside the caudate nucleus and the ventral tegmental area of the brain. These are the same parts of the brain that light up when scientists put people in the throes of that grossly cute can’t-think-about-anything-else stage of new love into an fMRI machine and ask them to look at photos of their beloved. As it happens, they’re also parts of the brain that respond to cocaine and nicotine.

Turning on the reward neurons releases repeated floods of the neurotransmitter dopamine. And the dopamine activates circuits inside the brain that create a craving for more. That craving gives you motivation, and encourages you to try out other behaviors that will help you get more of whatever it is you need. In the case of romance, the thing you need more of is your beloved.

As a romantic relationship develops into a long term partnership, that obsession fades away, even though thoughts of your partner still tickle the brain’s reward systems. But after a breakup, all those old can’t-get-enough feelings come flooding back. The brain’s reward systems are still expecting their romantic ‘fix’, but they’re not getting the responses they expect. And like someone in the depths of a drug addiction, they turn up the volume in an effort to get you to respond.

In this new context, the reward system is now the part of your brain that’s going to motivate you do something really dumb. Like drunk calling your ex, or initiating breakup sex.

Lucy Brown, a neuroscientist at Einstein College of Medicine who has studied romantic responses in the brain, explains that the motivation is more extreme than for other forms of social rejection because romance ties into more primal parts of the brain. “Other kinds of social rejection are much more cognitive,” she says. “[Romantic rejection] is a life changing thing, and involves systems that are at the same level as feeling hungry or thirsty.”

No wonder it hurts.

The Pain is Real

When your lover leaves you, chances are you’re going to feel it. Your chest gets tight, you feel sick to your stomach, or maybe there’s that sinking sensation that accompanies terrible news. Two studies that looked at brain activity inside people who were deep in the throes of a breakup found that the reward regions weren’t the only systems lit up inside their brains. They also saw activity in brain regions that control distress and the response to physical pain. Specifically, the parts of the brain that collect pain sensations from the outside world were quiet, but the systems they tie to–the systems that control how the body reacts to pain–were busy telling the body that something awful was happening.

And since the brain controls the body, turning on those systems can trigger a cascade of effects: for example, releasing stress hormones which in turn affect the heart, the digestive system, even the immune system. In some extreme cases, the stress can make the heart weaken and bulge, creating a condition called takotsubo cardiomyopathy or “broken heart syndrome,” which can sometimes lead to death.

Fortunately, those sorts of extreme stress responses are rare. But the pain of a romantic rejection can still last a long time. There’s a lot of variation from one person to the next, but Brown says the painful feelings usually fade away over the course of about six months to two years. But the pain is a natural part of the process. Breakups hurt because they turn on a basic system that gets us to make and maintain meaningful connections with other people. “It’s a system to try to keep us together”, Brown explains. “When we have little separations, these feelings get us to work hard to get close to the person again. If two people are cooperating, it works.” When they’re not, it’s as much of a hurt as a cut or a broken bone.

What Were They Thinking? And What Can You Do?

So far, all the “breakup fMRI” experiments have looked at brain activity in dump-ees. Like you, science still has no idea what’s going on in the brain of a dump-er. Logic suggests there must be some mechanism that can slowly erode and weaken connections in the brain’s attachment pathways. We do know that neural connections that aren’t used in sensory pathways can get pruned away, so perhaps this type of neural rewriting can also slowly change the way your lover feels about you until one day, those warm feelings of romantic attachment are gone.

And then comes that “We have to talk” visit.

But when you’re heartbroken, there’s no reason that you can’t try things that encourage your brain to rewire itself. In fact, there’s evidence that immediately after a breakup your brain is working hard to get you to move on. Those same brain scans of the heartbroken that showed their brains were awash in pain and desire also had activity in regions of the frontal cortex that inhibit impulses and redirect behavior.

In short, explains Brown, your brain is trying to regulate your mixed-up emotions, prevent you from doing at least some of the crazy things you feel compelled to try, and help you start putting your life back together. It will take time to get over it. But over time, the brain activity of romantic obsession will go away. Until then, Brown suggests trying a little memory rewriting of your own. “When the thought of that person comes up, instead of thinking how great [the relationship] was, think about how bad that person was for you instead.”

[Mearns 1991 | Aron et al. 2005 | Wittstein et al. 2005 | Smith and Vale 2006 | Acevedo et al. 2010 | Fisher et al. 2010 | Kross et al. 2011 | Cooper et al. 2014 | Eisenberger 2015]

Illustration by Jim Cooke


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Meteoro em chamas surge nos céus da Argentina


Residentes de Buenos Aires, na Argentina, estão relatando nas redes sociais o aparecimento de um enorme meteoro que teria rasgado os céus da cidade. O fenômeno teria ocorrido às 21h30 (horário de Brasília), nesta quinta-feira (30/07).

Entre as imagens e vídeos registrados por testemunhas locais, o objeto pode ser visto em chamas enquanto fazia seu percurso até o solo. Por enquanto não há informações de incidentes ou vítimas com a queda da rocha.

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anatomyandphysiologytutor: The 11 Organ Systems of the Human...


The 11 Organ Systems of the Human Body*:

  • Muscular (A)
  • Skeletal (B)
  • Nervous ©
  • Endocrine (D)
  • Cardiovascular (E)
  • Integumentary (F)
  • Lymphatic (G)
  • Respiratory (H)
  • Digestive (I)
  • Urinary (J)
  • Reproductive (K)
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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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plannedparenthood: 7/30/15We’re so sorry for the inconvenience....



We’re so sorry for the inconvenience. We’re still here for you and so is our chat/text line if you have time-sensitive questions.

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mercury & solar flare, photographed by soho, 23rd july...

mercury & solar flare, photographed by soho, 23rd july 2015.

27 frames, photographed over 6 hours.

image credit: nasa/soho. animation: ageofdestruction.

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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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Rock art from Ennedi Plateau, in Chad.

Rock art from Ennedi Plateau, in Chad.

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darkgemstone: thatsreallyproblematic: thewabbajackx: nowyoukno...





Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

that gator had seen some shit

If I wrestle this gator I will have wrestled Adolf Hitler’s Alligator. I’M GOIN TO MOSCOW

Dakota, pack my bags and brass knuckles, I’m going to fight Hitler’s pet alligator in Moscow.

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Happy 50th Birthday, Medicaid & Medicare! by Mark...

Happy 50th Birthday, Medicaid & Medicare!

by Mark DeFrancesco, MD, ACOG President

It’s hard to believe that it’s been half of a century since President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicaid, along with Medicare, into law. Even though Medicare more commonly provides coverage for a smaller fraction of the patients in a typical ob-gyn practice, it still is an example of a national program that works very well, providing coverage for more than 50 million people. Over the past 50 years, Medicaid has grown to cover more than 71 million Americans — nearly one in ten women relies on Medicaid for health coverage which includes family planning, screening for breast and cervical cancer, and long-term services and support. In fact, Medicaid covered 45% of all U.S. births in 2010 and plays a critical role in ensuring access to pregnancy-related care. Without Medicaid, many women would struggle to access or be unable to afford the care we provide.

Already 29 states and the District of Columbia have recognized the value of Medicaid and expanded their programs under the Affordable Care Act. This provides low-income women with routine and preventive care, including preconception care and family planning, which in turn helps women have healthy pregnancies and live healthier lives.

Medicaid covers a robust variety of services for its enrollees. Federal law requires all state Medicaid programs to cover many comprehensive benefits to women including:

  • Family planning services
  • Inpatient hospital services
  • Outpatient hospital services
  • Physician services
  • Tobacco cessation counseling for pregnant women
  • Transportation to medical care
  • Prescription coverage is an optional service category that all states currently choose to cover

So, Happy Birthday, Medicare and Medicaid! Thanks for ensuring that our older population, our disabled and our low-income women have access to the health services they need. Here’s to another 50 years, and beyond, of quality coverage!

(From ACOG, The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists )

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ourpresidents: Medicare Turns 50 TodayOn July 30, 1965,...


Medicare Turns 50 Today

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare into law.  The event took place at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and LBJ told the nation that Medicare “all started with the man from Independence.”

Truman was the first president to publicly endorse a national health insurance program.

As a Senator, Truman had become alarmed at the number of draftees who had failed their induction physicals during World War II. For Truman these rejections meant that the average citizen could not afford visiting a doctor to maintain health. He stated “that is all wrong in my book. I am trying to fix it so the people in the middle-income bracket can live as long as the very rich and the very poor.”

Truman’s first proposal in 1945 provided for physician and hospital insurance for working-aged Americans and their families. A federal health board was to administer the program with the government retaining the right to fix fees for service, and doctors could choose whether or not to participate. This proposal was defeated after, among many factors, the American Medical Association labeled the president’s plan “socialized medicine” taking advantage of the public’s concern over communism in Russia.

Even though he was never able to create a national health care program, Truman was able to draw attention to the country’s health needs, have funds legislated to construct hospitals, expand medical aid to the needy, and provide for expanded medical research.

The Trumans were of modest means, and Harry Truman described the event as a “profound personal experience for me.“  

Harry and Bess received Medicare registration card numbers 1 and 2 in January, 1966. 


Harry S. Truman’s Medicare Card #1.

President Lyndon B. Johnson shakes hands with former President Harry S. Truman at the signing of the Medicare Bill. LBJ Library #34897-14.

President Harry S, Truman greets President Lyndon B. Johnson upon his arrival in Independence, Missouri.  7/30/65.

Bess Truman’s Medicare Card #2.

More - Truman’s Plan for National Health Insurance

-from the Truman Library and the LBJ Library

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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

Source for more facts follow NowYouKno

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